Saturday, December 26, 2009

Are You Ready for 2010?

As the calendar year of 2009 comes to a close are you prepared to start the new year off successfully? What have you done to make sure 2010 begins with you ready in your life?

Have you put the last month on hold because you just knew that people did not want what you were offering? How about you just decided to take the past few weeks of and enjoy your family and friends? If so now is the time to get yourself moving again. No time to waste on getting a jump start for 2010!

What goals have you written down for you and your business to reach this next year?

Who have you share these goals with?

What steps do you have in place to go after these goals and be committed to achieve them?

Who are your accountability partners? How will they hold you accountable? When will they hold you accountable?

If you are looking for a great accountability partner let me know.

Visit for more information on coaching and consulting to keep you accountable for 2010.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12 Days of Christmas Gifts That Be A Legacy Gave To Me

Last year I started the 12 Days of Christmas program and have decided to keep it as a tradition.

Many people celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas as the 12 days leading up to Christmas Day. The true 12 Days of Christmas actually came as the 12 days after Christmas and began December 26 with the feast of St. Stephen a traditional day for giving leftovers to the poor and ending January 6 with Epiphany. Each day a gift was presented to the world with celebrations to serve others in the world.

I would like to offer you some special gifts to keep you moving forward in life.

The cost of these great gifts is only an email to saying
"Yes sign me up for the 12 Days of Christmas!" Don't forget to put your name in the email.

It is as simple as that!

January 11, 2010 is the drawing to win Prize Gift Pack


► 12 Action Steps for Success (Dec.26)
► 11 Networking Tips For Growth (Dec.27)
► 10 Tools to Resolving Conflict (Dec.28)
► 9 Ways to Think Clearly (Dec.29)
► 8 Team & Group Ice Breaker Games (Dec.30)
► 7 Areas to Create Life Balance (Dec.31)
► 6 Ways Of Getting Out of Debt (Jan. 1)
► 5 Goal Setting Strategies (Jan.2)
► 4 Behavior Style Tools (Jan.3)
► 3 Ways for Effective Follow-Through (Jan.4)
► 2 Articles on Creating Joy (Jan.5)
► and a Life Assessment Form (Jan.6)

Everyone wins with great tools and information. Join in on the fun today.

► Sign Up To Receive the 12 Days Of Christmas Gifts From Be A Legacy For A Chance To Win A Prize Gift Pack

Prize Gift Pack Includes:
Books, Audio CD's, Business Tools, Special Gifts & More. (Value over $400)

How to win the gift pack?

For every referral who signs up you receive tickets, by signing up you get a ticket, when you respond back to each of the 12 Days you get tickets. It is up to you on how many tickets you get.

1 Ticket for replying "Yes"
2 Tickets for each person you forward this message to and they sign up to receive by Dec. 23.
3 Tickets for reading information sent each day and replying back to let me know how you will use something from each day.

(Possible 3 tickets per day = 36 or more tickets)

I look forward to giving these gifts and celebrating the gifts of the New Year with you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Everyday

Thanksgiving is upon us here in the US. We get together and celebrate with family and friends. We come together to be thankful for what it is that we do have in our lives.

What do you have to be thankful for? How far have you come this year?

What I have discovered for me throughout the years is when I focus on what I have that is working in my life and fills me with joy, that is what my life reflects.

Someone recently said "You only write about good stuff on all your posts. Is that really how your life is or are you like a duck that looks good on top of the water but is really struggling under the water?"

I thought about her comment and discovered for myself that I really do have a lot of wonderful things that happen in my life. These are brought forth by how I make choices in my life. I also noticed that I have bad circumstances just like everyone else. I just do not give them the power to bring my life down. I get back up and keep moving forward.

I make conscious choices each day to look for what good can come out of the circumstances. I look equally for the good in people, places and all challenges.

It doesn't cost me anything extra in life to offer a smile, give someone some hope or care about people and their success.

As you celebrate thanksgiving this month (& every month) my hope is that you will find what is good in your life and keep your focus on that. What you focus on is what you usually will create in your life. If you are looking for evidence of how bad others are you will find it. If you look for evidence of the greatness in others you will find it! What evidence are you looking for?

What are you thankful for? Who are you thankful for?

I am thankful for your contact, friendship, feedback and support to keep Be A Legacy moving along side of you.

PS. ~ I decided I am much more like the Swan. Bigger feet creates less paddling as I continue to glide in life. Letting the tough things in life roll down the feathers allowing the elegance to be seen and admired.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Design Your Ideal Life

Are you designing your ideal life?

Believe it or not you have a clean slate everyday to design the life that you want. Each day you get to choose what you will do and how you will respond to the choices around you. You can invent your life any way you choose. How you do it will be up to you.

Start designing your life by choice. Here are some questions to get you thinking and get you writing about your ideal life. Answer these questions with great detail. Describe each idea using your senses. Visualize the colors, sounds, smells and anything that can get you excited about your ideal life.

• How do you see yourself every day?
• Who do you want to be?
• Who do your spend your time with?
• Who would you like to spend your time with?
• What does an average day look like for you?
• What would you like your average days to look like?
• What do you do for fun?
• What would you like to do for fun?
• What do you do for income?
• What would you like to be doing for income?
• Where do you live?
• Where would you like to live and why there?

This does not have to be difficult. If it feels hard to visualize a long distance just visualize your ideal life for one day. What can you do tomorrow to make your life better than today? Take designing your ideal life in small steps. It took small steps to get you where you are today so pace yourself in your designing. After you get the hang of your ideal day then move to an ideal week and then month and so on. Once you have designed what your ideal day, week, month, year or life looks like then start taking steps to put it all into action. Start making the small steps and planning to live your ideal life.

We do not have to out do someone else's life. We only have to live up to our life! This is Your ideal life. You can decide how you live it, who you live it with and what is important to you.

Design your life with your loved ones supporting you and bring together the people in your life who are willing to help you reach your ideal design. What are you waiting for? Go have fun designing your life and your legacy.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Step Into The Costume Called YOU!

October is the time for ghosts, goblins, tricks and treats. Often people use Halloween to be a time to transform for one night into being someone else. You have the opportunity to dress up, take risks, be like another and look silly and still be accepted. Why not take it to a new level this year and discover a person to become that you enjoy everyday.

As children you may have gone out door to door and collected candy as repayment for us dressing up. Did you come back with a lot of great sweets? You took the risk to say "Trick or Treat". And then you were rewarded. What did you do next? Eat it all, get a stomach ache and then have go visit the dentist to fill those cavities? Ok sounds kind of bleak! We were young.

Where in your life would you like to take a risk and be rewarded? Do you take the effort to bring all of you to the game? Ask for a raise? Ask a potential client to join your business? Ask for that sale? Ask an associate to support you? Ask someone to marry you? Have a child?

What is holding you back from taking those risks? Fear? Uncertainty? Worthiness? Afraid of not being accepted or that you are not enough? Waiting for the "right time" to do what you have always wanted to do?

I say finish this year with a filled bag of treats. There is still time! Step in to the costume called YOU! Take the risk and do something new. Do something unexpected that would serve you and others around you. No more tricking yourself into believing you do not deserve better. Enjoy the treats of your life! What are the gifts that you offer the world just by being who you are? Step into your great qualities & core values and live with as much excitement as those bright eyed children who will come to your door asking you for treats.

Who will you dress as for the rest of this year? What quality or core value do you want to make stronger in your life? What will you need to do to turn a weak area in your life into a stronger area? How will you go about treating yourself and stop tricking yourself?

What would help you move forward in life? Where would you like support in your life? Isn't it time for you to get an accountability partner to walk along side of you and finish out 2009 with more treats than tricks? Call today if you would like to get some new clients, build a better relationship and create income to pay bills and/buy gifts for this holiday season!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Who Is Making Your Choices?

Every morning I get up and I am ready to jump into action. I get up and go about making today a better day than yesterday. I am not saying that it is always easy to look at life this way. I am saying that everyday I have a choice on how I want to look at the world. I choose everyday to make it better.

After being in business for over 16 years I have seen a lot of challenges. We have been through just about everything negative a business can go through. In one of my companies I recall when we sold it to a Fortune 500 company and then worked as local managers for them. Within one year they went bankrupt and we were faced with a choice. The choice of letting go and moving on without doing that work anymore or taking back our company in which we were not completely paid for. We made the choice to keep it and boy did we learn a lot from that. Ten years later we are still going in that business. Oh but be clear there have been some difficult choices in those ten years. Just this spring within a two month period we had a couple clients file bankruptcy. Between them, they owed us over $100,000.00. Because we are a service industry there is no product to take back, this was all for payroll that employees must be paid. We had a choice to say should we close the doors or what can we do different? Well, we are still doing different. Batten down the hatches and hold on tight!

Our lives are made up of many choices. Choices to change course, to let go, to hold on and leave the thoughts of failure behind! What are your choices? Can you enjoy your choices even when things get tough?

Who are the people that you bring into your life to help you get through it? Are you bringing problem solvers or problem makers into your life?

Do you have people who you can brainstorm with? Are there friends, family members or co-workers who are willing to remind you why you do what you do?

Who do you have that helps you set and achieve goals? Hold you accountable to what you say you want to achieve?

I would challenge you to make a list of all the people in your life you consider close to you. Next to their name put either the letters E & D. E is for the people who bring you energy and lift you up. D is for the people who are more often draining the energy from you. Then look to see who you spend the most time with. Do you want to shift where you spend your time? You do not have to do anything different! As long as you are aware of it you can make the choice to stay the same or do something different.

If you catch yourself in a rut, evaluate what is going on and ask what can I improve in this situation? Find the solutions to lift yourself up. I live with an attitude of today will be better than tomorrow. Here are a few of the attitudes that I choose in my life most.

Excellent Attitudes of Choice:

1. An Attitude of Solution.

Finding a solution to what is going on and not becoming a victim to it. If I am low on cash I find a solution to bring more money into my life. Ask myself what can I do to bring in more money. So what ever you are facing get support from people who can help you find solution.

2. An Attitude of Productivity.

There is a difference between busy work and productive work. I can look busy all the time! I am productive when I have the attitude of creating a forward moving result. Cleaning the house when I know my business is not producing would not be a smart choice for me. I can hire a house keeper when the money is flowing in. I can delegate some of the non essentials to others who love to do that and have a business for it. This leaves me the time and energy to be productive and do what I love to do. When you slack at your job or business it says that you have a habit of slacking. You are likely to get a slack pay for your job. Do your job with excellence and you will be rewarded. It may not be rewarded from the same place however.

3. An Attitude of Optimism.

You may not be able to choose all the circumstance in your life, you do have the choice on how you handle them. Refuse to be defeated by the circumstances. Look for that silver lining. What can I learn from this? How can I teach others to get through this? Instead of a “why me” choose a “why not me” attitude. Find something good in all your doing and hand on tight. You never know when this lesson will be pulled up to help someone else along the way. As a survivor of a rape, at the time did not see any benefit in it! Now I am grateful to be able to truly understand where a survivor comes from and can help them get through it too.

4. An Attitude of Improvement.

Look for ways to continuously improve your life. Find ways to make your life or the life of someone else better today than yesterday. No one ever said life would be easy! I have found that it is easier when I find ways to improve my relationships, improve my business, improve the knowledge of my kids and improve my attitude. If I were to stay the same as I was 20 years ago I would not be worth much to the people around me and yet at the same time I know that I must change me because no one else can change me and I can not change them either. What could you improve in your life today? Take baby steps and improve a little at a time.

Remember, you have the choice to do what you want in life. Not all choices are easy and not all choices are hard. Keep moving forward and know that there are people in the world looking to help you along the way. Go find those people and allow them to keep you energetic and you will be able to return the favor.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are You Preparing For The Holidays Yet?

The holiday season is just around the corner! I know you are probably not ready for it! However, knowing that it is three months away can make or break you when the season comes and you are stressed because you were not ready for it.

What are you going to do to prepare yourself for a profitable end of year?

Since marketing your business takes time to do, now is the time to get your campaigns together. Work on them now and when the time comes you will be a head above your competition!

For my direct selling friends this means how many shows are you booking now to put on your calendar for the holiday season? How can you keep in touch with the people you are booking now? Maybe send a post card each month or twice a month to keep their show fresh in their mind. Let them know how excited you are that they are hosting a show before the holiday rush. If you have 20 or more shows on your calendar before you even get into the season you will have more time with your family, friends and the chance to do the things you want with out the stress.

If you are carrying extra inventory offer an incentive to the people who keep their shows book on the regular scheduled date. Make this worth their while. Throw in an extra bonus for those who have 15 or more in attendance. Don’t have extra inventory on hand? Plan ahead by getting a couple orders in between now and then from the specials your company is offering.

Think about some coupons that you can have ready for your customers. What incentives do you want to offer that will get people interested in your business? Products? Services?

Now is the time to recruit team members to your business. Get them in and going strong to create extra holiday cash. Remember that asking people to join you in your business is a privilege and an opportunity. Ask everyone you know and everyone you meet. In this economy to leave anyone out would be selfish.

Prepare your self now for the upcoming holiday season and you will be better off for it. Nothing better than going through the season with little to no stress because you are prepared and ready to take it on!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Are You Solution Oriented?

Regardless of what we do for a living or where we live, most of us spend our waking hours at home or at work solving problems. Many of the problems we face are small, however, some may be large and complex and feel overwhelming. Anyway you look at it, problems are being solved daily.

So how do you decide when something is a problem? And how you handle it?

If my boss or upline asks me to take care of something my internal voice might say “I don’t know how to go about doing this” or “I can’t do that”. My external words say, “okay, I will let you know when this is done” or “when do you want this done by”.

There are times when moments come, and everything just goes wrong. We are now challenged to get what is not working properly, fixed. Life’s problems do not exist to beat us down. They exist to help us grow in who we are meant to become.

Let’s explore some of the problems that you may have been challenged with recently.

Why does it have to be hard to make money? I don’t understand how I can get out of debt when I can barely make my bills.

Why can’t I find a job that I love to do? I don’t even know what I love to do. So how am I supposed to find the right job?

Why doesn’t my team follow through with what I tell them to do? Don’t they understand, I know what success looks like?

Why do I keep ending up in short-term relationships? Isn’t anyone committed anymore?

(Continue Here)

I almost never use the word "problem" because most people hear drama with a problem. I don't know about you but all I have to do to see drama is turn on the TV to see a reality show, the news coverage or the old favorites a soap opera.

I look at the challenge before me and say okay, what do I have to take action on to make this work. This mindset has allowed me to find solutions instead of feeling sorry for myself with the situation. Since I cannot change what happened, I can change how I react to it. Now trust me, I have not always been this way. I could get caught up in the problem with the best of them! So how did I make the shift to see problems as challenges and opportunities for improvement in my life? Let me share with you a couple of things that I did to change how I reacted and took action on finding the opportunity in the challenge is I’m faced with.

First thing I do, is stop and take a deep breath. I look to see how this challenge affects me personally, my family, my business and my lifestyle. I looked to see who is involved. Who will benefit from this challenge being solved? Why is that important? This allows me to focus on what the issue is, instead of running, kicking, screaming or blaming someone else. Stopping to take a breath allows me to bring my emotions down so my brain can go to work. When emotions are high, intelligence is low. So, breathing can allow you to bring down the emotion level to build up the intelligence.

Next, I look to see how soon I have to make a decision with this challenge. I ask myself if I have the flexibility to gather more information, or does a decision need to be made immediately. If I have some flexibility I will research, ask for support and see how I can shift whatever is necessary to solve the challenge before me. Asking myself questions like “What do I want the outcome to be? And why is that important?” will allow me to brainstorm for the best choices available. If a decision must be made quickly, my focus must be in full gear to make it happen, which usually means take another deep breath.

Then, I look at the cause of the challenge to identify what may have contributed in creating the challenge. A brief glance to learn what to do differently, without getting stuck in the past. This allows me to determine the root of what caused the challenge. Why this happened or what got me in this situation to begin with. This is where I may get support from friends, family, coworkers or a boss to brainstorm on what may have caused this to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Finally, I decide what I need to take action on now to correct or solve the challenge. This is the opportunity for me to do something different and create a better outcome. What is my objective? What is the outcome I am looking to create? What systems do I have to put into place to prevent this from happening again in the future? What action can I take today that will bring me closer to the result I am looking for? Who will I ask to hold me accountable, to taking the necessary actions to solve this challenge?

What I have discovered as the biggest benefit to solving problems or challenges is my attitude. If my attitude is a “why me” attitude I am not likely to get very far. If my attitude is a “why not me” attitude, I am likely to move forward faster than getting stuck in the drama.

Challenges are not meant to be roadblocks, annoyance is or irritations. They really just are life happening before us. Imagine for a moment, a life where there were no problems to solve, no opportunity for growth, and no reason to invite other people into your life to help you solve the challenges you face. Who would be the people that you would have never wanted to meet, because without your challenge, you never would have met them? Now imagine a life of many opportunities, everyday growth, and all the people that you have met along the way to solving your challenges.

I know that facing these challenges can be difficult, may feel lonely and sometimes overwhelming. And at this point, I have to discover my courage to step up and asked for support. This is where I get to adjust my attitude, be stronger and more effective at communicating with myself and others.

I look at challenges and opportunities as personal training exercises. I get to exercise my skill to be stronger, more productive which become easier over time to recover from. At first your workout may appear hard, tiring and stressful. However, over time, you become stronger, smarter and recover quicker from these opportunities. So have some fun and stretch yourself to be solution oriented and have a “can do” attitude to be successful. And don’t forget to ask for help along the way. As a coach, I am your spotter to keep you safe and moving forward in your challenges and turning them into opportunities. Let me know how I can support you.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Brainstorming Business Ideas

Brainstorming is about expanding your thinking and generating new ideas. Bringing people together to brainstorm with you around your business and personal life can be very powerful and rewarding. Brainstorming has been proven effective with in businesses, relationships and personal goals. Brainstorming helps people over come the desire that they are alone in solving the challenges of their lives. It also promotes ideas that no one may have thought of without the proccess of the team.

Everyone tosses out ideas on a given subject. Having a scribe to put down all the ideas either on paper or on a white board is helpful so the team can be throwing out ideas and one person takes down all the thoughts. Again not in any particular order. This process may look like a lot of ideas going in all directions. This is normal and later in the process you will prioritize the ideas that you feel you can work with.

An important piece to this process is to speak out all ideas whether you think they will work or not. Whether they fall into your personal or business values or not. You can cross those off the list later. If you stop and evalute during the brainstorming process you will cut off the flow of creativity and the process will be less effective. These are just ideas and later in the process you can eliminate what you are not willing to take on.

Here are some steps to get you brainstorming.

1. Gather the troops - be it friends, mastermind teams, similar business owners or other direct selling team leaders.
2. Establish a topic to work with.
3. Set a time limit.
4. Communicate ground rules on what can be discussed and what is off limits.
5. List all ideas or suggestions that are made and encourage creativity.
6. Do not evaluate ideas. Allow what ever is said to come out and be listed.
7. As a group consolidate all like ideas and/or categories.
8. Prioritize all the ideas based on what you would commit to.
9. Put a plan of action into place to do.
10. Thank your brainstorming team for supporting you and make a plan to do this on a regular basis such as quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

Have fun brainstorming and allow others to support you in your growth as a business person and in personal development.

Visit Be A Legacy for more information on coaching and consulting.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Group Coaching Program

Applications are being accepted for the Summer Group Coaching Program with Be A Legacy.

Only 6 applications will be accepted to be coached on your goals in this special summer group format.

Program Includes:
Goal setting
4 - 1Hr. weekly group calls
2 - 30 minute individual calls
Unlimited emails
You choose your goal and we support you in reaching it.

For an application email get your space reserved quickly. Best bargain for the summer.

Upon receiving your application we will review and contact you with 5 days to let you know if you are selected into the program.

Once you are selected into the program full payment must be paid no later than 7 days prior to the start of the program. An invoice will be sent to you when your application is accepted.

The program begins last week of June and will complete 4 weeks later.
Individual coaching dates will be set with each participant and coach.

How Can You Use Behavior Styles to Benefit You?

Have you ever wondered why…
People working for the same goals have different views?
Some people will call you back and others don’t?
Change is easy for some and not so easy for others?
Details are important for some people and others can not see the big picture?

What is your behavior/personality style? There are many models to choose from when talking about behavior styles. What ever one you choose to go by is fine. Do you know how to use the information to support you in making the best choices for your life?

Understanding behavior styles of others is important for building effective and reliable communication, building strong relationships and builds a strong foundation for success.

Even though people behave differently our success depends on our ability to function successfully with the other styles. We can determine our impact on other people and learn how to respond to their needs as well as our own.

What is your behavior style?

Dominate / Controlling? Are direct or controlling to others?
Influencing / Promoting? Like to interact with others and have fun?
Steady / Supportive? Like to be of service to support others?
Compliant / Analytical? Comply with high standards and knowledge?

I hear often comments like “if they would just do what I tell them they would be successful” or “this is business, it’s not personal so keep emotions out”. On the other side I hear “if he would just listen to how I feel I would be happier” or “I do everything she asks because I care how she feels”.

None of these statements are good, bad, right or wrong they are indicators to how different our styles are. The question is how can we adjust ourselves to improve our interactions with others without expecting everyone to change around us?

How many times do you call on a prospective client/customer and leave them the same style of message every time you call? Speak to people in the same manner and expect to get a different response? Knowing and understanding the different behavior styles allows you to connect with more people and ultimately will improve communication and sales.

I often share with my clients to plan on making four call backs to potential clients/customers. Each time you call you change your language and style to match one of the different styles. You are more likely to get a call back when someone hears you speak their language. It is a lot like calling a different country and speaking your language, if they do not understand the message they are not going to call you back!

A Dominate style would likely leave a message like “This is (name) from (company) give me a call back at (phone number), talk with you soon”.

An Influencing style would likely leave a message like “Hi (client/customer name) this is (name) and I am excited to share with you about what (company name) can do for you. Call me back soon at (phone number) we will have fun talking”.

A Steadiness style would likely leave a message like “Hi this is (name) and I wanted to call you to see how you feel out our conversation the other day. I would like to visit and share with you about how friendly my company is. I hope to talk with you soon. If you have a chance, call me at (phone number) bye”.

An Analytical style is likely to leave a message like “This is (name) from (company) I would like to share with you about the plans and services that we have to offer you. My number is (phone number) and the best time to reach me is (date and time). I will call you back in two days if I do not hear from you before then.

I mentioned this on a call and one of the listeners called me the next day to ask if this could be used in the wording of advertisements. I shared with her some different language tools that could support her in placing adds that are the same however appeal to the different behavior styles.

As you can see the same information is pretty much shared in all the examples however the language is more about getting to the point, having fun, feelings and facts. Each style has a different way to get the same information covered and we usually will respond to the style we are most often like. How can we use the different styles in our communication with our clients/customers, team members/coworkers, spouses and children? How effective would you like to communicate and create results will be up to you.

To learn which behavior style you are and more details of how you can relate best to the other styles sign up for the DiSC behavior profile test below. You will be able to see how each behavior style has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. How to use each style to compliment your business relationships and how your style influences the way you act, react and interact with the others style.

DiSC Behavior Style Profile $34.95

Email for more information or to sign up for the DiSC Behavior Profile

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How Efficient Is Your Home Based Business?

If you work out of an office you probably have most of the tools needed to run your business. However you might want to read on for some tips for the home based office that may entice you to make a couple shifts to your space at the office.

A home based office can be simple to elaborate! You may have a room at home dedicated to your office space! You may have a TV tray set up that you are using. Either way is not as important as what you do with your space.

What does your space look like?
Does it reflect the great traits about you?
Simple is great as long as it is functioning great as well!

Do you have a calendar to set up appointments, see what is happening today, planning for the future or logging your work hours?

You may or may not have a computer in your space. If you do, how is it set up? Can you use it for all of your business? Is it shared with others? I found a lap top works for portability however use what ever you have available and find the best ways to make it work for your business. A computer is helpful to make up flyers, keeping track of your customers and clients and do research to improve your business.

Get a cork board to pin up your goals, invitations, encouraging notes, up coming events and reminders. Put up pictures of the places you want to go in the next year or two. These could be the incentives that keep you going. Use this space to keep you going on those days you do not feel like working yet know it would be the best thing to do to be sucessful.

Is there a telephone near you? Many people are using their cellular phone as their business phone. Cellular phones are great however may not be cost effective anymore. Check with your provider to see if you are on the best price plan or would a land line work better for you! Remember a land line can be forwarded to your cellular phone if you need to leave. Find what works best for you and use it to its fullest!

Have a business log for yourself. Log your incoming and out going calls for your business. How long did you spend on the calls and in what way did that call serve your business. Log where you go for your business. What meetings did you attend? How long was the meeting and how did that meeting serve your business? Log your mileage, gas purchases, any meals with clients and travel expenses. Log your accounts receivables and your payables. There are many computer programs to support you with this however if you do not have a computer put it all in a log and keep track of it! (Do not just wing it and hope it all works out!) Think for a moment on why I would suggest logging everything. How do you see logging as a benefit for you and your business? Ok now that you came up with your own reasons why, here are some reasons why I do it! I log to see how much time I am spending in my business, where I am spending my time and is it cost effective for me to be in business or make some shifts. I also get to see what my average time I spend on calls, with clients, traveling and thus an accurate picture of what I make per hour in my business!

When you go out do you have a business card to give to people? There are several free options for business cards! There is no excuse to not have one! This is how you will be remembered when you leave. Always carry business cards! You may need to hand one out to the person in the grocery line or at a restaurant! You never know who you will run into so be prepared! The basics to have on your business card is your name, phone number, email address (different from your personal email) and maybe a reminder of what your business is! The rest is extras! You may want to put a PO Box on your card for privacy reasons, if you have a web page or blog page you can add that onto your card. Adding a quote that serves your business may be a good asset also. Remember you can always change your business card so do not get stuck in it having to be perfect the first time out! Just get one done and get it out to people who are potential customers/clients for your business!

Set up a system for your receipts. Use envelopes, accordion file box or a filing cabinet. Just create a system so you can log everything for your taxes at the end of the year! Trust me you can file your taxes quickly and not get stuck in looking for everything at the end of the year. Create something that you will use! I like to use envelopes. I categorize them as.
Trade Associations & Memberships

One of the most important tips I have for having your home based business is to treat it like a business! Get up in the morning, get dressed to go to work, get into action and work your scheduled business hours! Many times I hear “I like that I can just sit in my pajamas and go to work!”. That is fine if you are the kind of person that can truly take that on. I would suggest testing yourself. For two weeks go to work as you currently do. Log all your calls and new business. Then test getting dressed, add a little make up and making the calls and logging everything there as well. You may find that you accomplish more when you get yourself ready instead of just as is. If you are sitting occasionally in your pajamas ok! But what is your standard business practice? Remember you are in business. A hobby is something different and thus treated differently!

Being a business owner is a great way to be independent and fulfilled! The question you will want to ask yourself is “Do I want to be successful too?” if so, then get out there and go for it!
Know that Be A Legacy is here to support you in your success.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Kind of Business Would You Start?

Are you ready to start your home based business?

I would suggest you get an “Idea Book” any notebook to write down all your ideas about starting a business or growing your current business. I don’t know about you, but God provides me with ideas in the oddest moments! While driving, sleeping, washing the dog talking to the neighbor and flying on an airplane.

When these ideas come along I do not discard them because I do not need that idea right now! I write them down even if it is on a napkin and then transfer to my idea book.

When ever I am in a rut or ready to do something new in my business I go to my idea book and think back over the ideas that I have written and I do not have to try to remember them. I have found that when I do not write them down then I think about having a great idea and not remembering what is was about and then that bugs me! Anyone else like that? Maybe I am alone in this one?

Start writing down ideas today to start or expand your business. Any spiral notebook or fancy journal will do just fine for all your great ideas!

What kind of business would you start?

What can you offer the world? Inspiration? Information? Product? Service?

Skills In:
Human Resources
Health & Nutrition
Team Work
Team Training
Virtual Assisting
Web Design
Web Tool Training
Mental Wellness

Look at all the great business ideas to start thinking about.

Direct Selling Business
Network Marketing Business
Get Paid to Read Emails
Blogging for Dollars
Starting a Blog
Online Tutor
Home Tutor
Transcription Jobs
Freelance Typing Job Resources
Online Data Entry Work
How To Write a Novel
Assembly and Craft Work at Home
Clerical Work From Home
Online Proofreader
Ad Placer Online
Making Money by selling on eBay
Selling Items to Consignment Shops
Virtual Assistant or Secretary
Community Greeting Service
Personal Shopper
Web Site Developer
Gift Basket Business
Reference & Referral Service
Freelance Writing
Answering Service
Genealogy Research Service
Medical Billing
Start Your Own Daycare
Crafting from Home For a Profit
Teaching- Music teacher, Home School teacher, Writing teacher, etc.

What ever you choose to start you want to make sure you are passionate and excited about it! Starting a business is not something that is a whim! It takes time to plant the seed, nurture it by watering in ideas, information, support and commitment. As it flourishes you watch to make sure you cut back when necessary, you give it extra attention to have it grow in the right direction and you enjoy its beauty. Share it with others to make a bigger difference and cover it to protect it from the harsh realities of life! When you do this you reap the rewards of a healthy business that you started from a thought into a blooming success.

Here is my quote again

"Starting a home based business is not difficult to do! The difficult part is when you start a business you are not passionate about and then choose to make it difficult by not following through on what must happen to be successful!" Kimberley Borgens

Watch for the next posting on starting a home based business.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Starting Your Own Home Based Business

Starting a home based business is is not difficult to do! The difficult part is when you start a business you are not passionate about and then choose to make it difficult by not following through on what must happen to be successful!
Many people will jump into a home based business for many reasons.

See if any of these reasons may have been yours.

Because you got motivated to do so.
Someone said it would be easy.
Wanted to be like others around you.
Looking for extra income.

Create a future for your self & family.
Passionate about what you do to make money at it.
Saw a need in the world for your product or service.
Want to make a bigger difference.

Some of these reasons are great reasons to start a home based business. Some of these reasons will get you started, however not likely to keep you moving during the difficult times.

When starting any new adventure there must be follow through to be successful.
When that follow through is ignored you are creating a recipe for disaster.

To start a new business all you have to do is decide you are starting and then implement a plan of action.

What kind of business will you start?
What are your products or services?
Have you researched what similar businesses are charging for similar product and services?
How much money will you like to make to each month?
How much money (if any) do you have to invest in your new business?
Will your business be a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, LLC?
Will you be in business with a direct sales company or a network marketing company?
Who will you market your business to?
How are you creating a contact list to market to?
What is the name of your business?
How will customers/clients contact you? Phone, mail, email, web page?
How will you contact your customers/clients?
What are you hours of operations?
What kind of support will you reach out for?

There are so many opportunities to start a business. Whether you choose to start you own company or get on board with a direct sales or network marketing company you are still in business for yourself. Many people believe that means they are on their own. I said you are in business for yourself not by yourself!
There are many people who are willing to offer mentorship, consulting and coaching for small businesses. However the responsibility is on you to ask for support and follow through on what it will take to make your business a success!

If you choose a direct sales or network marketing company to start know that there are a lot of role models who have made it big in the industry. You will want to find out what they did to be successful!

If you are starting a business that is your own then you too will want to find out how the leaders in the industry started out and use their knowledge to become successful as well.

What did they do when they first started out?
What mistakes did they do along the way?
How did they reach out for support?
Why were they determined to be successful?
What would they do differently?
What kind of education did they need to be successful?
What keeps them going today?
What have others said about them?

Here is a common story I have heard:

I want to be the one who says “I was self taught”! I want to be able to say that I did everything and that has made me be a better man/woman!

This statement has always lit a fire under me to educate people in life. It is almost like telling our children that they do not have to go to school because they will figure it out! Yeah, they will make mistakes along the way but they will be better for it!

There are enough people in this world who have done it the hard way! They have put in the blood, sweat and tears enough for everyone. These are the people you want to familiarize yourself with! Thank them for are their hard work and now use what they learned to reach your success, quicker, fewer obstacles and less painful! They were not meant to be leaders in challenge they have been through the fire and offer you solutions!

Many of us think it has to be difficult to be successful! Image a business that starts and runs smoothly that allows time and energy to create balance in all areas of your life. To me that is when I know I am successful! When my business is running smooth and I have a life too!

Are you ready to start your small business today?
The first step is making a decision!
Second step is answering the questions above.
Third reach out and get support.

Keep watching for more information this week on starting a home based business!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Network Marketing - Question Asked

A question that was asked was:
What positive experiences have you had with network marketing?

My Answer:
I have been in and have work with many business owners in network marketing. I have coach and watched some people move their network marketing up 1 to 4 levels in a six month period of time. There are great benefits to a network marketing business. Your time line, your health, confidence building, sales building and much more.

Here are some of the qualities and attributes I have found with some of the most successful in the industry.

Commitment - Staying committed to what you signed into. Even when it gets difficult. Staying with it as you continue to learn about yourself. There will be times when you get frustrated. Just like any business you do what it takes.

Passion - Being passionate about your product will show in all you do. When you are sharing and inviting others to join your business or buying your products your passion will be what they buy into first.

Business Minded - This is a business not a hobby! If you treat network marketing as a business and you seek business support you are more likely to be successful. Run your time and your calendar as you would any business.

Follow Through - If you agree to something then follow through! Do what you say you will do. If something comes up renegotiate the agreement do not just take the other party for granted. People will usually forgive and yet not forget. You set the integrity of your own business by what you do. A great staement is to Under Promise & Over Deliver!

Courage - Having the courage to run a business and take many "No's" is the key to having a healthy business. Remembering that people are not saying "No" to YOU they are saying "No" to the opportunity. Do not take the "No's" personally. Say thank you and let them know you are there when they change their mind.

Follow Up - When you get leads follow up on them. Do not just leave a message and expect them to call you back. A message is not a contact! Call back using a different approach. Change your personality and be excited, direct or gentle. If it takes 4 calls then so be it. Use a different personality style on each call and you are likely going to connect with them one way or the other. Do follow up's a week apart as someone may be out of town for a week. ALWAYS Follow Up.

Most of the network marketing companies I have worked with have people who are very successful and people who are just in it to socialize. Ask yourself which you are. If your are looking for success, listen to your upline, utilize the systems they have already created for you and stay focused on what you want to create in your business. (By the way sometimes an up line is not going anywhere. If this is the case ask others for support even if they are not directly above you. The great ones will help or offer another to support you.)

Be willing to ask for support! Networking is a two sided affair. You can offer support and you must be willing to receive support as well. Be involved with your team and remember there is enough for everyone. There are billions of people on this planet.

Have fun and enjoy your Network Marketing or Direct Sales Business!

Friday, February 13, 2009

20 Inexpensive Ways To "Be With" Your Personal Relationship

Being in relationship with your spouse or significant other can get lost when we put so much focus on success and work. Here are some inexpensive ways to connect and be together and keep your relationship as important as anything else in your life. Take some time to plan and put some effort into your romantic life.

You might want to dress yourself up a little, write a note, or just think about how you want your attitude to be while you're together. If you want your spouse to enjoy being with you, make your attitude enjoyable.

  1. Be a tourist and go around your town and rediscover your town and rediscover each other. Likes, dislikes, passions and so on.
  2. Visit a local museum or art gallery, look around, share with one another which items or pieces of art you like and don't like.
  3. Go to a fancy restaurant after you've eaten dinner at home and just order dessert and coffee.
  4. Light candles in your bedroom, get a bottle of warm massage oil, and give each other massages.
  5. Hire your kids to make you breakfast in bed and serve you both.
  6. Go to a local coffee shop together and talk about all the ways in which each of you feel blessed these days, as well as your hopes and dreams for the future.
  7. Find a cookbook, pick out a delicious looking meal or dessert, then make it together.
  8. Play board games, cards or do a crossword puzzle together.
  9. Go to a community play, sporting event or a school concert.
  10. On a Saturday morning, make breakfast together, take it back to bed and eat and then snuggle together.
  11. If you have a wood burning fireplace, set out a blanket, play music, make a fire, and make popcorn or S'mores in the fireplace.
  12. Read a book out loud to one another.
  13. Take a blanket outside somewhere (or even on the roof) and stargaze with your sweetie.
  14. Make a date and both of you create a dream board for your relationship together.
  15. Put your favorite hot beverage into a 'to-go' cup, bundle up, and go on a walk together at a nearby park.
  16. Feed the kids early and rent a movie for them to watch. While they are watching movie have a candle lit dinner for two and then invite the kids back for dessert.
  17. Set up a tent in the back yard and camp out for the evening. Lay out and star gaze and enjoy each others company.
  18. Set a date in the middle of the day while the kids are at school or napping. Enjoy sandwiches and cuddling.
  19. Trade off with other couples for babysitting and date nights.
  20. Bring your minds together and discover an inexpensive date together.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Getting Out Of Debt Depends On Your Attitude

If you do not know where you are at how will you know what you need to do when it comes to your finances? Begin today to map out your life with money and your finances.

Make Finances Simple!
If you are not sure how to budget your money and you are going from paycheck to paycheck guessing what bills to pay it is time to do something new!
Get a cheap notebook.

Write down all your income for each month.
(How much from your job, business, passive income, gifts and other.)
Add those up! That is your gross intake.

Now write down all your bills.
(Household bills, groceries, credit cards, loans, vehicles, insurances, medical expenses etc.)
Add those up! That is your outpour.

If the outpour is greater than the intake you will need to do something different!

If there is extra intake ask yourself where does it go normally?
What will you do differently with any extra income? Make a bigger payment to pay off credit card? Create a savings? If you have a saving are you using it?
On a bigger scale you can hire a bookkeeper or accountant to do this for you to prevent feeling overwhelmed. You need to know where you are in order to get where you want to go. There are many ways to get there so allow others to support you.

Pay Off Credit Cards & Loans!
When paying off your debt you want to start with your smallest debt and work your way up. With your credit cards, store cards or loans begin making extra payments on your lowest loan. Keep paying at least the minimum on all debt as you make extra payments towards the smallest loan. Get that one paid off and then move to the next one. When you work towards getting one paid off you will have a sense of accomplishment and you will begin to feel like you are making strides towards success. Start basic and work your way up. This is called the debt snowball.

Here’s the short version:
Put your debts in order from lowest balance to highest balance.
Designate a certain amount of money to pay toward debts each month.
Pay the minimum payment on all debts except for the one with the lowest balance.
Throw every other penny at the debt with the lowest balance.
When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.
It still takes time to pay off your debts, but you can see results almost immediately.
Sometimes we have to go back to the basics in order to move forward.

Cut expenses!
Look at your household expenses and start to look at ways to cut back. I am not implying to settle for less what I am saying is to be diligent and responsible with your money.
Eat out only for special occasions. This can cut out a big expense if going out every week to eat. Use grocery coupons when you shop.
Look at your house phone plan. Can you switch service providers and save money? (I went from a $200 a month phone bill to a $50 a month phone bill by bundling up services.)
Can you cut back on cell phone services or use? Texting is costing more these days.
Super premium, premium and regular gas. Does your vehicle require a specific kind of gas or can you cut back and save a little.
Can the thermostat go down 1 degree to save a little money?
Are you comfortable with the same insurance company and have not shopped for a better price with the same benefits? Sometimes you can go to your current company and find ways to cut your costs back.
Pay your bills on time to avoid late fees. (One year I paid over $1000 just in late fees.)
Look for ways to get more bang for your buck as you work your way out of debt.

Look For Ways to Improve Your Current Income!
The more the money you bring in, the more you will have to handle your debt. Always look for opportunities for picking up tasks with higher commission, or over time pay or something that will result in a bonus. Many times an employer is looking for someone to pick up the slack somewhere. Take your job seriously and work productive everyday. This will pay off for you and help to pay off your debt.

Sometimes it is not easy to simply increase your current income at your job. If that's the case, look at means to create additional sources of income. Do you have a hobby that you can turn into a money making venture? Do you have skills that you can use to get some part time income? Do you have computer knowledge that you can use online? How about the network marketing/direct sales business you have been treating like a hobby?
By creating extra income you can get your bills paid off quicker, build a saving as a back up if your job has layoffs or cutbacks! Be in charge of your income!

Stay Busy!
An idle mind is a retailer's dream come true. When you are daydreaming and bored you have a tendency to think of fun things to do. Shopping at the mall and on the internet. You are likely to end up buying stuff you likely don’t need. If you hang out in front of the TV doing nothing, then the advertisers are bound to plant a seed for something that you wouldn’t have wanted otherwise. Like the blanket with sleeves! Throwing away money to keep yourself entertained when you could be using that time a lot more productively just won’t cut it if you are serious about getting out of debt. Entertain yourself with ideas to improve your business, make calls to prospects, spend quality time with family and honoring your commitment to paying off your debt will create greater rewards.

Change Your Attitude!
Like everything else in life, getting out of debt is heavily dependent on your attitude. Switch to a “Yes I Can” attitude. No longer give into the victim mentality or self-doubts of whether you can do it. Start attacking debt and don’t stop until it is all gone. One of the best ways to do this is to get an accountability buddy. Someone you share your getting out of debt goals with and have them connect with you on a regular basis to hold you accountable to what you are committed to. Your attitude must come from the mindset of success! Your quality of life style depends on it! Find another person who wants to eliminate debt and do it together! Sometimes you may have to pay someone to push you. In the long run you will end up with the biggest savings because the person you paid was committed to your success and could help drive your commitment!

Debt Testimonial:

"Kimberley was an integral part of me shifting into my greatness and choosing the best. This was a priceless event in my life and I would encourage anyone, no matter what place in life you are in, to jump in with her to move past the mountains in your life and make them easy anthills. I have success, and freedom now and I owe a lot of that success to my course and my awesome leader. I paid off $60,000 in 10 weeks and moved up a level in my Network Marketing business, including doubling my team and income." A.F.

If you would like support in the area of cleaning up your debt connect with Be A Legacy. Go to our web site and sign up for our free newsletter. The March newsletter will focus on money and finances.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Who taught you about goal setting and achieving?

On January 14, 2009 I was reminded about the person who taught me about goal setting and achieving with the passing of Ricardo Montalban. As a young child I would watch Fantasy Island. Mr. Roarke would grant people their fantasy. He would take a dream and turn it into an opportunity for people to achieve. He did not just give them the dream. He actually made them work for. Fantasy Island was a place for people to take action on their goals.

I remember watching one episode where Mr. Roarke was (of course in his white shining armor suit) dancing a waltz with a beautiful woman. I watch as they danced around and how elegant and graceful they danced together. I was mesmerized by the eloquence and connection they had together. I knew in my heart that I wanted that! Hence a dream was born. For many years I would visualize myself dancing with Ricardo Montalban. I would see myself dancing gracefully and enjoying each step that I would take. I would daydream about dancing the waltz.

Of course this was not the typical thing a young teen was involved with. Many people thought I was nuts. And despite what other people thought I had a dream to fulfill. I started going to a place to dance. I picked up lessons when I could. Did not have money for lessons so when I could go and someone would show me a couple of steps I would be thrilled. I was committed to learn how to waltz. I was lucky to have a mom who also liked to dance. So every Sunday the two of us would go to a place called Little Switzerland. The Gruber family owned and played the Oktoberfest style music. For about five years I was dancing the polka, waltz, tango and any other dance you see on the ballroom competitions. I became a wonderful dancer. I had a lot of fun and met many great, supportive people who wanted to see me succeed. I learned a lot about myself through dancing and still have the opportunity from time to time to waltz with my husband.

I read about Ricardo passing away and took a few moments to honor him in my heart. I still vision myself dancing with him in his white suit. I still visualize the opportunities of someone setting up your dreams and goals and then hands that opportunity to you to reach the desires in your heart. Fantasy Island was for me the beginning of setting and reaching my goals. Because of his character and his personal demeanor I too wanted to be like Mr. Roarke. Set up other people’s dreams and goals in such a way that they could take action on them and reach the desires of their heart.

Thank you Ricardo for teaching me how to visualize what is in my heart and taking action to my dreams. You will be remembered forever in my heart and thank you for letting me dance with you in my dreams.

So, again I ask you, the person reading this message, who taught you about goal setting and achieving? Are you acting on your dreams? Do you visualize success? Are you surrounding yourself with successful and supportive people? Do you let other peoples views stop you from going after what your heart desires?

If you could use support in this area contact me. I had a great teacher to start me on the journey of setting and achieving goals. I have found other great teachers to work with to improve my skills along the way! Dreams are meant to be fulfilled! How will you take action today towards achieving your dreams and goals?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

10 Ways of Increasing Confidence

A few tips to increase your confidence. Increasing your confidence is a challenge to take on everyday. You may have days when you are completely confident and then there may be moments when you struggle to find confidence. These tips below are ways to step back in when you need support. Enjoy and share with those you care about.

1. Think about someone who is confident and act, talk and walk like them. Model their mannerisms and behavior. It works for them; it will work for you.

2. Learn from the past; don’t beat yourself up about it. Throw away your hammers. It’s gone; it’s never coming back. Instead learn from it for next time. Forgive yourself and move on.

3. Are you prepared for situations? Are you prepared enough to meet any challenge that may come up? Are you prepared for that meeting, that presentation, that job interview, when you meet someone for the first time? If not, get prepared!

4. Play to your strengths. Know what you are good at and expose yourself to these opportunities at every opportunity – because you’re good at it, you’ll enjoy it and have more confidence. As you get more practice you will have more strengths.

5. Improve your weaknesses. Know and appreciate what these are and put a plan in place to improve them over time. Practice your weaknesses so they can become your strengths.

6. Learn how to say no to people. Don’t be afraid, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of. If you think you want to say no then say it. People may not like to be told no, but they will respect you for standing up for you.

7. Be in charge of your thoughts at all times. What is a thought? It’s just a question that you’ve asked yourself and the thought is you’re answer. If you’re thinking negative thoughts, you’re probably asking a negative question. Change the questions to be more positive. Positive questions will move you forward in life.

8. Do you let the words of others affect you? Do you mind what they think of you? Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It’s not what they say to you that’s the problem it’s what you say to yourself after they have stopped talking that’s the problem. Shift your thinking to support you not them.

9. At the end of each day list your achievements and successes throughout that day. Keep a journal for yourself on the “Greatness I See In Me”. Open it up and review it as needed. Any bad day will do.

10. Improve your body language. The way that you move your body has a massive impact on your confidence levels. Move your body assertively and walk with your head up, shoulders back and as though you’ve got somewhere very important to go. Feeling low in confidence? Change you body language! Be proud! You Matter!

You only live once, so any time that you are down just ask yourself in 10 or 20 years time – will what I am worrying about really matter? Since we do not know what day is our last day on earth live as though today is it! What do you want to do today that if tomorrow doesn’t come people will remember you positively for?

Sign up at the Be A Legacy website and receive 10 more tips to increase your confidence as you will receive "20 Ways To Increase Your Confidence" free for signing up to receive our monthly newsletter.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

11 Networking Tips To Grow

1. Treat your Business like a Business
Take it serious! The income you can earn is very serious. In order to make the changes you desire in your life style you must make sure you are running a business. Many people treat their business like a hobby. Put in just a few hours and hope people find them. Business is serious. It requires many hour to build it up. It requires networking, getting involved, planning and goal setting. There are a lot of tools to grow your business.Benefits of treating your business like a business include:You can become debt free!You can pay off your mortgage!You can provide the very best for your loved ones!You can give more to charities!You can change your life style!You can build a legacy for your family!

2. Stay Focused
Set your goals for your business and stay focused on those goals!Many people go from one opportunity after another, back and forth never staying in one place long enough to gain success. Most people in networking have a habit of doing this, they keep jumping from company to company hoping to hit it big somewhere. They just spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars starting a business and never follow through! Stay focused! The grass is always greener somewhere else, especially in the beginning! I have learned that the grass is greenest where I water it! In business it takes you building a foundation for your business to last. The rewards can be so much greater than anything else you could do. Make a pledge to yourself that you have found a home! That this is the last network you'll ever build!

3. Be Honest
When you talk about your business be honest about your product and the business opportunity. Don't lead people with wild expectations. Let them know what to expect. Always be honest with them as you want them to grow in their business as it will support your growth as well. When we fudge on the truth people get discouraged and will leave or not be productive. You can be honest and show them the wonderful opportunities and create a greater value for long term business.

4. Emulate A Leader
Think of someone who is successful in your field. Who is that person? What do you admire or respect about them and ask yourself why they are important. They can mentor you with out ever meeting you! When the challenges arise in your business you can ask yourself, "What would he/she do, well why don't I just do that?" And then just do it!

5. Get In The Game!
When challenges arise make sure you take responsibility for what is going on. Don't look upline, look in the mirror! It is not the company, the system or the upline. We know this because the company system is working for thousands of others, so ask yourself, "What else can I be doing?" Be on ALL the conference and training calls. May seem boring and time consuming and if you picked up one great tool and it brought your business to a new level it would be more than worth it. You can always ask to be a speaker with some great tools and ideas you have found useful. Read articles and books that will advance your business! Always look to move up. Be a LEADER! Review your website often. Create a blog. Keep getting in the game! Finding ways to improve your business at least 2-3 times a week, will keep your business moving forward. The more you learn, the more you will earn.

6. Compare Yourself Fairly
Do not expect your business to be the same as someone who has spent more successful hours in their business. Those are the people we strive to become. We will not become the big, heavy hitter in our company without putting in the productive time and efforts. If you are looking for the quick fix I would suggest working for someone else. If you are determined to be a business owner then put quality business building hours into your business! Sure, it would be nice to land a big account or person so motivated they bring in 100 people with them in business, but don't get caught up in the hype and emotion. It takes work to build your business and to keep from being discouraged compare your hours and time and talents fairly. Keep striving for better and quicker ways to build success. Duplicate success! Follow the Leaders before you! Do not compare yourself unfairly!

7. Create A Circle Of Support
You have the power to choose who you hang around with. Ideally you want to be with happy, vibrant and positive people. Surround yourself with other business minded people. You can create a team of people to connect with to support you in business and in your personal life. Sometimes the people we are the closest to are the nay sayers in our lives. Find people to get involved with to grow business. This is where attending your companies calls and meeting help. You can get on teleclasses outside your business. You can create a brainstorming team and have a call once a week or month. Utilize all the ways to find people to support you in business.

8. Get Involved In Your Community
Attend mixers, social networking events, fundraisers and charitable groups. Get Involved. The more people know you, the more they build a relationship with you, the more they support you!Many fabulous networks include:Local Chamber of Commerce (Great resource for events and mixers)Direct Selling Women's Alliance (DSWA)eWomensNetworkLions Club, Kawanis, Rotary and more.

9. Wear Your Business Proud!
Wear a name badge where ever you go. It helps you get noticed and creates credibility, professionalism and branding for you and your business. When you go to mixers, social activities, events and shopping wear your business proud. I picked up many clients while shopping because people have a sense of curiosity. Get your car a name badge too. You are driving around so let people know who you are and what you have to offer. Creates visibility and exposure for your company which create you as a successful leader. Get a good name badge and wear your business proud.

10. Be Prepared For Success
Always have your business tools with you! Always, always have business cards & brochures with you! Whether you are at the store or networking events have something that people can walk away with that represents you. I have been to many event and at every event someone tells me "I forgot my business card". First impression is "not serious about business!" Have cards in your vehicle, spouses vehicle brief case, purse and any bag you have. I have taken cards to the beach in Hawaii! Do not be left making an impression that your business is not important.

11. Follow Up
Follow up within 48 hours with every lead you get. You can follow up by phone, email, mail or be creative and follow up! Most important for your business success. When you do not follow up you are telling yourself that your business does not matter to you and you are telling the lead that they are not important. Make a commitment to follow up within 48 hours for 30 days and watch your business grow.

Let the WORLD know you have a business opportunity for them to look at. Take all out massive action for the next 30...60...90 days and grow in your business! What will you do towards growing your business? Ask yourself what holds you back from networking and growing your business. If you feel you can use some support to get through what is holding you back connect with for support.