Saturday, January 30, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #11

Follow Up System

What is your follow up system? When you receive a contact or someone tells you they want your product or wants to book a presentation from you what is the system that you follow?

Are you reinventing your system with some similarities each time? Create a system that is consistent.

Follow up within 48 hours with every lead you get. You can follow up by phone, email, mail or be creative and follow up!

Have a form with the questions you want to ask in front of you. This way you do not ever get of the phone thinking you forget to ask them something. This also allows you to stay on track and will help with time management to do more follow up calls.

If you are calling to follow up and have to leave a message, let the prospect know you will be calling again. How is your call back system working? I have a 5 call systems in place for each person. I will leave a message using each of the 4 behaviors styles. This way it is more likely that when they hear me speak in their behavior style they are more likely going to call me back. However, my fifth call is the final call in which I let them know I will not be calling them again and though I would like to support them with their need, it seems not at this time.

If I do not make contact with the prospect I will follow up in about 15 days and 30 days with a postcard if I have their address or use email as the second choice. What will you do?

Having a powerful follow up system is most important for your business success.

When you do not follow up you are telling yourself that your business does not matter to you and you are telling the lead that they are not important.

Make a commitment to create a follow up system and follow up within 48 hours for 30 days. Watch your business success grow.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #10

Be Prepared For Success

Always have your business tools with you when you go out! Always, always have business cards, brochures or catalogs with you!

Whether you are at the store or networking events have something that people can walk away with that represents you. If you make a connection with someone and they want to connect with you and you have nothing to offer them that will allow the two of you to connect in the future, you are missing an opportunity!

Your contact information is key to business success. People are busy and do not want to have to work to make the connection that will serve you. People want fast, easy connection!

I have been to many event and at every event someone tells me "I forgot my business card". I just ran out or I am getting new ones printed. I heard "oh I can not believe I forgot them. First impression is "not serious about business!"

If you want to be treated as a serious business person bring the tools to support that.

Have cards in your vehicle, spouses vehicle, brief case, purse and any bag you have. I have taken cards to the beach in Hawaii! Do not be left making an impression that your business is not important.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #9

Wear Your Business Proud!

Wear a name badge where ever you go. At least your company logo. Get your logo and name embroidered on your shirts and jackets. Let people see who you represent. It helps you get noticed and creates credibility, professionalism and branding for you and your business.

When you go to meetings, mixers, social activities, events and shopping wear your business proud. I have picked up many clients while shopping because people have a sense of curiosity. I truly believe people want to connect, yet they do not feel they have anything in common to speak about. By providing something for them to speak about you open the door for them to connect with you. Allowing a possible start to building a relationship.

Get your car a name badge too. You are driving around anyway, so let people know who you are and what you have to offer. (Make sure you act appropriate driving and be professional.) Having business magnets or signage on your vehicle creates visibility and exposure for your company which create you as a successful leader.

If you set up a table or booth at a networking event then get a table cloth with your company name, logo and web address on it. Allow your table to sell you too.

I am not saying you have to go out and get all of these at once. Get your name badge and then work to save to get to the next level. All of these items can be inexpensive if you look for the bargains and sales. It will create greater visibility for you which will bring you a return on investment quickly.

Get a great name badge and wear your business proud.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Be A Legacy Netwroking Tip #8

Get Involved In Your Community

Networking is about getting involved. Connecting with people and building relationships. Often I see people who say they are out networking and what I notice is them in a corner observing or hanging out with people they already know.

Networking is about connecting with the people you know and building new connections with people you do not know.

Getting involved in your community includes attending mixers, social networking events, fundraisers and charitable groups.

Be a giver in your community with your time and social power. If you only attend an event once you may meet a couple of people however if you attend several events people start to see you as a resource and will connect with you more.

Not everyone will be a customer to you, however they may run into someone who is looking for your services down the line. Either way the more people you connect with the more likely they will help you with ideas when you have a challenge that you are facing. You may also be able to help them with a challenge and then you are a valuable resource to them.

The more people know you, the more relationships you build, the more support you receive when you need it!

Many fabulous networks include:
Local Chamber of Commerce (Great resource for events and mixers)
Small Business Development Centers
Direct Selling Women's Alliance (DSWA) and trade organizations.
Women's Success Groups, eWomensNetwork, Networking groups,
Social Network - TweetUp's, MeetUp's
Facebook/Social Media Communities
Lions Club, Kawanis, Rotary, Local Non-Profits and more.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #7

Create A Circle Of Support

You have the power to choose who you hang around with. Ideally you want to be with happy, vibrant and positive people. People who are achieving results in life.

If you are in business surround yourself with other business minded people. You can create a team of people to connect with to support you in business and in your personal life. Ask business people to mentor you if you are just starting out. Or be the mentor for someone else who is just starting out.

If you are a parent of small children you would want to surround yourself with positive role models raising positive kids. Who are people that have raised happy, healthy and responsible kids? Connect with them and ask how they did it.

Do you want a healthy loving relationship? You will want to find out how other people have created healthy loving relationships. Ask people who have been together for a long period of time. What have they done to make it successful? What were the difficult times? How did they get through them?

Sometimes the people we are the closest to are the nay sayers in our lives. Find people to get involved with to grow your business, your relationship and all the areas of our life. Attending all your companies calls and meeting helps you be connected with the support you may need to be successful.

You can get on teleclasses for just about every aspect of your life. You can create a brainstorming team and have a call once a week or month. Utilize all the ways to find people to support you in business and in your personal life. There are a lot of people offering to support you. All you have to do look for what you need support with and start to ask for it! It is up to you to ask for the support you need. Be willing to ask and go after it.

There may be some people that you choose to no longer connect with frequently if they are not supportive of your dreams and goals. Keep looking for the people who will.

Each of us have gifts to offer others. By being with people who are supportive you may be able to see more of your gifts as well as seeing other peoples gifts.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #6

Compare Yourself Fairly

Are you comparing yourself fairly against other?

Do not expect your business to be the same as someone who has spent more successful hours in their business. Those are the people we strive to become. We will not become the big, heavy hitter in our company without putting in the productive time and efforts. If you are new to your industry, you cannot expect to have the same success as someone who has been consistently growing their business for five years. This is like comparing apples to oranges.

If you are looking for the quick fix I would suggest working for someone else. If you are determined to be a business owner then put quality business building hours into your business!

Sure, it would be nice to land a big account or person so motivated they bring in 100 people with them in business, but don't get caught up in the hype and emotion. It takes work to build your business and to keep from being discouraged compare your hours and time and talents fairly.

Keep striving for better and quicker ways to build success. Duplicate success! Follow the Leaders before you! You may be able to reach the same success that others have in less time than it took them. It still will take the time and energy that you put in to make it happen.

Check to see if you are Comparing yourself fairly in life. Ask yourself "What scale are you measuring yourself on?". Are you comparing yourself to a hope of perfection? Are your successes rarely enjoyed? Do you constantly have the drive that you must do or be better? Do you see something that you did not do well as a failure and then focus on that?

If you have given 100 percent of your skill and knowledge to a project and when it is complete look back and see where you could have done things differently how do you treat yourself? you could look back and decide that you did a great job that was 97% worthy and the 3% is what you would focus on as not enough. Put your merit up against yourself only.

Start listing your achievements and compare them to others who are the same age, gender, social background and culture. Are you comparing your physical beauty to someone else that does not live in your body or your life style?

Write down the differences. Notice the similarities and differences for yourself. Notice the negative comparisons you place on yourself and how much energy you put on worrying about them. If you were to release that energy and put it somewhere more productive where would you put it?

In your relationships with your spouse, kids, friends or at work, your business? How about positively on yourself? How do you hold back the real you from playing full out because you do not see yourself as enough?

Some things to think about and journal on could be:

• Is it possible to accept myself and treat myself in a lovingly and compassionately, regardless of my accomplishments or lack of accomplishments?
• Do I need to be outstanding, special or unique?
• Am I looking to prove something? And if so who?
• Why does failing at something transform me into being a failure?
• What would my life be like with a fair comparison?
• Can I be satisfied with progress, not perfection?

Final thought: Did you know that the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart by th age of 12 was more successful by any standard in music composition. Mozart spoke 15 languages and had composed numerous major pieces of music, including an opera. He was still a child! I would not want to compare myself to that!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #5

Get In The Game!

When challenges arise make sure you take responsibility for what is going on. Get in the game and hold on. Don't look upline, look in the mirror! It is not the company, the system or the upline. We know this because the company system is working for thousands of others, so ask yourself, "What else can I be doing?"

Are you on ALL the conference and training calls? These calls may seem boring and time consuming. However, if you picked up one great tool and it brought your business to a new level it would be more than worth it. Plan to be on at least one call or training each week that will improve your skills. If your company does not offer calls or trainings know that there are a lot of complimentary tele-classes out there. Utilize what is available to you.

You can always ask to be a speaker with some great tools and ideas you have found useful. Be willing to share what works for you with your team and leaders.

Read articles and books that will advance your business! This will keep your head in the game and can give you the opportunity to be more creative. Always look to move up. Be a LEADER!

Review your website often. Update to keep up with the trends.

Create a blog. Talk about the items or services you sell. How they have made a difference for you. Offer tips and ideas to improve the quality of someone elses life.

Be involved in social media like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. if it would help you build relationships to grow your business. Keep getting in the game!

Finding ways to improve your business at least 2-3 times a week, will keep your business moving forward. Know that the person you admire in the business is doing something to keep thier business moving forward. As you grow, you will be the person others will admire.

No one else can keep you in the game. That is your responsibility. If you find you are not playing then check back in with the reason you got involved in the first place. Ask yourself "why" again and again until you take responsibility and do something. Remember, A decision is meaningless without an action!

The more you learn, the more you will earn. Be active and keep yourself playing in the game.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #4

Emulate A Leader

Take time and think of someone who is successful in your field. Or in the field you are passionate about being in.
  • Who is that person?
  • What do you admire or respect about them?
  • Why they are important to you?
  • What makes them stand out to you?
  • What can I learn from them?

They can mentor you with out ever meeting you! Look at what you feel makes them a leader in the field or industry. How can you do some of the things that they do? How can you get educated like them?

When the challenges arise in your business, and they will, you can ask yourself, "What would he/she do, well why don't I just do that?" And then just do it!

Even if you have never personally met them you can see how they get involved, what they do well or what mistakes they have made and course correct yourself as needed.

You can have several people that you admire and respect that you choose to take bits and pieces and make your life much more productive.

Look in all the areas of your life to find people to mentor you. I have chosen people in my walk of faith, industry, relationships and child rearing. This has been a great tool for me to get better in all areas of my life.

Know that people may be watching you as their mentor! How are you living your life? How can you live in a way that people will do what is great in you?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #3

Be Honest

When you talk about your business be honest about your products, services and the business opportunity.

Do not lead people with wild expectations. Let people know what they can expect if they join your company or become a client or vendor with you. There is a great saying that is "under promise and over deliver". This will always make you look like someone who cares when you give more than expected. At the same time do not little yourself down either.

Always be honest with people because you want them to grow in their business and it will support your growth as well. The best part of being honest is you never have to cover up or try to make better. It is just the truth!

If you fudge on the truth it causes people to lose trust in you and you find they are less productive with you. Networking and being authentic for some people is a huge risk. The risk is worth it as the reward is much greater. Some people may choose to not work with you because they do not want to be authentic with you. It is okay, the right people will come to you because they do appreciate your authenticity. If you are wishy washy with your authenticity and honesty you end up losing both groups of people and get exhausted from consistently searching for new people to network with.

You can be honest and show people the wonderful opportunities and create a greater value for long term business.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #2

Stay Focused

Set your goals for your business and stay focused on those goals!

Many people go from one opportunity after another, back and forth never staying in one place long enough to gain success.

Most people in networking have a habit of doing this, they keep jumping from company to company hoping to hit it big somewhere. They just spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars starting a business and never follow through!

Stay focused! The grass is always greener somewhere else, especially in the beginning! I have learned that the grass is greenest where I water it!

In business it takes you building a foundation for your business to last. This foundation is built on focused time an energy that you put in to it. If you allow yourself to go after all the shiny objects that are put before you you are not likely ever going to find true success.

The rewards can be so much greater than anything else you could do. When you stick to what you are going after not matter what you will find a greater network of people who will be there when times get tough.

You may think I do not know what I am talking about - I can share many stories about how in the past 17 years in business we have been through just about everything a business should not go through and have still come about keeping employees working. If I had been jumping around from business to business I would not have had the support from banks, friends business networks and every other source to help get us through the tough times.

Make a pledge to yourself that you have found a home! That this is the last network you'll ever build! Tough times don't last, Tough people do! Build your network grow both in experience, knowledge and true connections!

Keep watching for more networking tips this month with Be A Legacy.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #1

Networking Tip #1

Treat your Business like a Business

Take your business serious while networking! The income you can earn is very serious. In order to make the changes you desire in your life style you must make sure you are running a business.

Many people start out treating their business like a hobby. Put in just a few hours and hope people find them. They want the big paychecks and want to have them right away in a new start up business. Yet they are not willing to do what it takes to get the business off on the right start. Are you?

Business is serious. It requires many hours to build it up. It requires networking, getting involved, planning and goal setting. There are a lot of tools to grow your business. You can be networking locally, on line social networking as well as many other forms to get your name out and show people you are serious about your business.

Benefits of treating your business like a business include:

  • You can become debt free!
  • You can pay off your mortgage!
  • You can provide the very best for your loved ones!
  • You can give more to charities!
  • You can change your life style!
  • You can build a legacy for your family!

It will be up to you to treat your business like a business long before anyone else will treat is as such. Get serious in your business and people will seriously come to you. You have to take the long first step!

Keep watching for more networking tips this month with Be A Legacy.