Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Action Step to Success #3

Ideas Alone Don't Bring Success

Ideas are important, but they're only valuable after they've been implemented.

How many times have you been on an airplane looking at a SkyMall catalog and seen an idea that you had and someone else did it and now they are getting paid?

Ideas are the first step in creativity. I have an "Idea Book" where I will write down all my ideas to make my business more successful. Some of these ideas I have implemented right away. Others ones are there sitting and waiting for me to take action on them or give them to someone else who could use an idea to grow their business.

I believe all the ideas I have could be for me or for me to impart on someone else. I know that my ideas have no value unless I take an action on it or give it away and someone else takes action on it.

One average idea that's been put into action is more valuable than a dozen brilliant ideas that you're saving for "some other day" or the "right opportunity".

If you have an idea that you truly believe in, do something about it. Use it or share it! The value will come when an action is taken.

What is an idea that you are ready to implement in your life today? How will implementing this idea become valuable to you?

What is an idea that you would like to offer to others? Can you market yourself to teach this to others? An idea can work for many people not just one.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Action Steps for Success #2

Attitude Matters

Your attitude is the key to making anything a success. Many people have the attitude of business will find me. I just have to say I am in business and people will hunt them down to buy what they are selling. Whether it is a product or services you will have to take on the attitude of "If it is to be, it is up to me".

Many times people will act in business as they do with their family and friends. Very laid back and comfortable.

Your attitude will be the strongest (or weakest ) aspect about you.

To be successful you may want to shift your attitude to be on purpose and maybe stretch your boundaries of comfort.

Your attitude will determine how you handle the circumstances around you. When challenges arise are you handling them with looking for a solution or are you taking revenge out on the circumstances? Getting mad or taking the circumstances personally usually does not show the best in you.

Your attitude determines the self image you have. People often look to see your attitude in how you handle the hard stuff. Do you defend or justify what happened? Or are you looking for the lesson and course correcting to be better the next time around?

I believe people want to work with people who have been through challenges and have had a good attitude to get through them instead of a victim style attitude. That way they feel like if something were to happen then they will not feel beat up from the relationship.

Things go wrong in life! Challenges interfere with smooth transactions and both sides are effected by it. Make sure your attitude acknowledges the other people involved.

You are in control of your attitude! You are in control how you respond to any circumstance in your business. How will you manage it to be a success? People want to support others to be successful, remember they do not want to fight through your attitude to help.

What is one thing you can do today that will stretch the boundaries of your attitude? How can you improve a small step in attitude that will support you in growing in your business?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Action Steps for Success #1

Take Action & Start Today

If you're waiting to start something until conditions are perfect, you probably never will start.

There will always be something that isn't quite right. Not enough money, timing not right, someone else is doing it or too many people are trying to hold you back.

How many times have you said you would start something and you still have not? What has stopped you? What keeps you from taking the action steps necessary to do what you want to do?

There is no perfect time to start. You have to take the risk and take action! You will have to deal with the issues and circumstances as they arise. By that time you will have already learned new ways to solve quicker. The best time to start - is Today!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "Each indecision brings its own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost days... What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has magic, power, and genius in it."

At the top of every profession people share one main quality - Commitment to get things done. Taking action on what needs to happen. Leaders get into the habit of putting ideas into action now! Taking action is essential to getting things done.