Monday, May 18, 2009

Starting Your Own Home Based Business

Starting a home based business is is not difficult to do! The difficult part is when you start a business you are not passionate about and then choose to make it difficult by not following through on what must happen to be successful!
Many people will jump into a home based business for many reasons.

See if any of these reasons may have been yours.

Because you got motivated to do so.
Someone said it would be easy.
Wanted to be like others around you.
Looking for extra income.

Create a future for your self & family.
Passionate about what you do to make money at it.
Saw a need in the world for your product or service.
Want to make a bigger difference.

Some of these reasons are great reasons to start a home based business. Some of these reasons will get you started, however not likely to keep you moving during the difficult times.

When starting any new adventure there must be follow through to be successful.
When that follow through is ignored you are creating a recipe for disaster.

To start a new business all you have to do is decide you are starting and then implement a plan of action.

What kind of business will you start?
What are your products or services?
Have you researched what similar businesses are charging for similar product and services?
How much money will you like to make to each month?
How much money (if any) do you have to invest in your new business?
Will your business be a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, LLC?
Will you be in business with a direct sales company or a network marketing company?
Who will you market your business to?
How are you creating a contact list to market to?
What is the name of your business?
How will customers/clients contact you? Phone, mail, email, web page?
How will you contact your customers/clients?
What are you hours of operations?
What kind of support will you reach out for?

There are so many opportunities to start a business. Whether you choose to start you own company or get on board with a direct sales or network marketing company you are still in business for yourself. Many people believe that means they are on their own. I said you are in business for yourself not by yourself!
There are many people who are willing to offer mentorship, consulting and coaching for small businesses. However the responsibility is on you to ask for support and follow through on what it will take to make your business a success!

If you choose a direct sales or network marketing company to start know that there are a lot of role models who have made it big in the industry. You will want to find out what they did to be successful!

If you are starting a business that is your own then you too will want to find out how the leaders in the industry started out and use their knowledge to become successful as well.

What did they do when they first started out?
What mistakes did they do along the way?
How did they reach out for support?
Why were they determined to be successful?
What would they do differently?
What kind of education did they need to be successful?
What keeps them going today?
What have others said about them?

Here is a common story I have heard:

I want to be the one who says “I was self taught”! I want to be able to say that I did everything and that has made me be a better man/woman!

This statement has always lit a fire under me to educate people in life. It is almost like telling our children that they do not have to go to school because they will figure it out! Yeah, they will make mistakes along the way but they will be better for it!

There are enough people in this world who have done it the hard way! They have put in the blood, sweat and tears enough for everyone. These are the people you want to familiarize yourself with! Thank them for are their hard work and now use what they learned to reach your success, quicker, fewer obstacles and less painful! They were not meant to be leaders in challenge they have been through the fire and offer you solutions!

Many of us think it has to be difficult to be successful! Image a business that starts and runs smoothly that allows time and energy to create balance in all areas of your life. To me that is when I know I am successful! When my business is running smooth and I have a life too!

Are you ready to start your small business today?
The first step is making a decision!
Second step is answering the questions above.
Third reach out and get support.

Keep watching for more information this week on starting a home based business!

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