Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Everyday

Thanksgiving is upon us here in the US. We get together and celebrate with family and friends. We come together to be thankful for what it is that we do have in our lives.

What do you have to be thankful for? How far have you come this year?

What I have discovered for me throughout the years is when I focus on what I have that is working in my life and fills me with joy, that is what my life reflects.

Someone recently said "You only write about good stuff on all your posts. Is that really how your life is or are you like a duck that looks good on top of the water but is really struggling under the water?"

I thought about her comment and discovered for myself that I really do have a lot of wonderful things that happen in my life. These are brought forth by how I make choices in my life. I also noticed that I have bad circumstances just like everyone else. I just do not give them the power to bring my life down. I get back up and keep moving forward.

I make conscious choices each day to look for what good can come out of the circumstances. I look equally for the good in people, places and all challenges.

It doesn't cost me anything extra in life to offer a smile, give someone some hope or care about people and their success.

As you celebrate thanksgiving this month (& every month) my hope is that you will find what is good in your life and keep your focus on that. What you focus on is what you usually will create in your life. If you are looking for evidence of how bad others are you will find it. If you look for evidence of the greatness in others you will find it! What evidence are you looking for?

What are you thankful for? Who are you thankful for?

I am thankful for your contact, friendship, feedback and support to keep Be A Legacy moving along side of you.

PS. ~ I decided I am much more like the Swan. Bigger feet creates less paddling as I continue to glide in life. Letting the tough things in life roll down the feathers allowing the elegance to be seen and admired.

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