Monday, June 8, 2009

How Can You Use Behavior Styles to Benefit You?

Have you ever wondered why…
People working for the same goals have different views?
Some people will call you back and others don’t?
Change is easy for some and not so easy for others?
Details are important for some people and others can not see the big picture?

What is your behavior/personality style? There are many models to choose from when talking about behavior styles. What ever one you choose to go by is fine. Do you know how to use the information to support you in making the best choices for your life?

Understanding behavior styles of others is important for building effective and reliable communication, building strong relationships and builds a strong foundation for success.

Even though people behave differently our success depends on our ability to function successfully with the other styles. We can determine our impact on other people and learn how to respond to their needs as well as our own.

What is your behavior style?

Dominate / Controlling? Are direct or controlling to others?
Influencing / Promoting? Like to interact with others and have fun?
Steady / Supportive? Like to be of service to support others?
Compliant / Analytical? Comply with high standards and knowledge?

I hear often comments like “if they would just do what I tell them they would be successful” or “this is business, it’s not personal so keep emotions out”. On the other side I hear “if he would just listen to how I feel I would be happier” or “I do everything she asks because I care how she feels”.

None of these statements are good, bad, right or wrong they are indicators to how different our styles are. The question is how can we adjust ourselves to improve our interactions with others without expecting everyone to change around us?

How many times do you call on a prospective client/customer and leave them the same style of message every time you call? Speak to people in the same manner and expect to get a different response? Knowing and understanding the different behavior styles allows you to connect with more people and ultimately will improve communication and sales.

I often share with my clients to plan on making four call backs to potential clients/customers. Each time you call you change your language and style to match one of the different styles. You are more likely to get a call back when someone hears you speak their language. It is a lot like calling a different country and speaking your language, if they do not understand the message they are not going to call you back!

A Dominate style would likely leave a message like “This is (name) from (company) give me a call back at (phone number), talk with you soon”.

An Influencing style would likely leave a message like “Hi (client/customer name) this is (name) and I am excited to share with you about what (company name) can do for you. Call me back soon at (phone number) we will have fun talking”.

A Steadiness style would likely leave a message like “Hi this is (name) and I wanted to call you to see how you feel out our conversation the other day. I would like to visit and share with you about how friendly my company is. I hope to talk with you soon. If you have a chance, call me at (phone number) bye”.

An Analytical style is likely to leave a message like “This is (name) from (company) I would like to share with you about the plans and services that we have to offer you. My number is (phone number) and the best time to reach me is (date and time). I will call you back in two days if I do not hear from you before then.

I mentioned this on a call and one of the listeners called me the next day to ask if this could be used in the wording of advertisements. I shared with her some different language tools that could support her in placing adds that are the same however appeal to the different behavior styles.

As you can see the same information is pretty much shared in all the examples however the language is more about getting to the point, having fun, feelings and facts. Each style has a different way to get the same information covered and we usually will respond to the style we are most often like. How can we use the different styles in our communication with our clients/customers, team members/coworkers, spouses and children? How effective would you like to communicate and create results will be up to you.

To learn which behavior style you are and more details of how you can relate best to the other styles sign up for the DiSC behavior profile test below. You will be able to see how each behavior style has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. How to use each style to compliment your business relationships and how your style influences the way you act, react and interact with the others style.

DiSC Behavior Style Profile $34.95

Email for more information or to sign up for the DiSC Behavior Profile

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