Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Do you struggle with confidence? Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Is the person you see strong and confident? Do you like the person you see?

A few steps to boost your confidence.

Think about a person that you see as confident and act, talk and walk like them. Model their mannerisms and behavior. It works for them; it will work for you!

Smile a lot! This doesn't mean putting a silly grin on your face. It does mean smile more when you walk down the street, when you meet people and just be happier in general even if you are not feeling that way.

Are you prepared for situations? Are you prepared enough to meet any challenge that may come up? Are you prepared for the meeting, the presentation, the job interview, when you meet someone for the first time? If not, get prepared. The more prepared you are the better confidence you will have.

Learn how to say no to people. Don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of. If you think you want to say no to someone say it. People may not like to be told no, but they will respect you for standing up for you.

No one else can be confident for you! This is your job! You are meant for greatness so step into your confidence today and teach others how to be confident. You may be the person someone else brings to mind to model!