Monday, June 30, 2008

How Will You Celebrate Your Independence?

Is it time to accept freedom in your life...

Is your independence important to you?

Do you enjoy the freedom to speak what is on your mind?

Do you enjoy the freedom to choose your religion? Your Church?

How about the choice to join the military or work at a certain job?

How many children you choose to have?

How about the food you eat? And what you drink?

I have been to many places and have heard from others on how many areas the government decides how many kids you can have and what you can say. The kids at 16 (or younger) that automatically get put in the army to fight a war. I have been to places where the water is not good to drink and people have to fetch it and boil it before they can even taste it for their own safety. Where even in tragedy the government takes the food! Everyone must believe a certain way or they are killed. This is reality for some!

Today I say Celebrate! Celebrate that you live in an awesome country! I did not say a perfect country! Whether you like the government or not is up to you. And we as a nation have so much to be thankful for.

My question is what are you doing today or everyday to keep this country one of the best freedom places there is?

Are you reaching out to someone who is without food, clothing or shelter? Have you reached out to others and just offered your hand to help? Have you just listened as a friend spoke about a hard time? Have you reached out and given someone a much needed hug? Invited someone to join you at church? Have you accepted a hand out because someone cares? Have you reached for support because you are not alone in this world? Have you returned that phone call? Been that friend? Cared Enough?

I say as we celebrate this Independence Day we step up to our country! We act as if we are from the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free and Be Brave and Free.

My challenge to you is to find and do 1 Random Act of Kindness A Day for 1 month! Are you up to the Challenge? Are you willing to Be the leader in a country that leads the way for so many other countries?

Enjoy your Independence and Celebrate with others and Enjoy Your Freedom!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Legacy Foundation Day

July's Legacy Foundation Recipeint is Kids Inspiring Kids.

Be A Legacy creates awareness with Legacy Foundation Day. It is an opportunity for you to receive a 30 minute coaching session for free. In turn, we ask you to make a contribution of $30.00 (or more, it's up to you) to the cause, organization, or individual we've chosen each month that we support because they are also making a huge difference in the world. We choose to model how simple it is to walk the talk, take a stand, and do something for another. And we invite you to join us.

Here's how it works.
• Every month we'll highlight on our blog the month's charitable focus.
• You complete the 'Give to Receive' form on the Be A Legacy website to request your 30-minute coaching session.
• After receiving your form, you will be contacted by one of our Be A Legacy coaches to schedule your session.
• Your session must be scheduled within one week of your request.
• After the session, please make your donation. Simple honor system applies.

Go to click on the donation page and make your donation to support kids in Africa.

The Encouragement File

Today I ask that you create a file for yourself. You can use just a plain manila folder or you can create a piece of art for yourself. Decorate it with pictures, quotes designs or what ever your heart desires that will move you forward. Place somewhere you can access everyday if needed yet in a place it will be safe.

Every time you receive a compliment, a note of encouragement, a thank you note, an email with praise your job will be to put that in your File of Encouragement. Print out a copy of the email, write down the compliments that are told to you. Create a page just for compliments that you may have heard over the phone, face to face with another and when you find something you compliment yourself on.

If you are feeling like you need some encouragement on any given day or moment bring out this file and lift your encouragement bar. You are the master of your own encouragement. You are responsible for shifting your attitude to a place that serves you.

If your encouragement file is a little lean right now I would suggest you write yourself a few notes. Write down what you like about yourself. Write about a wonderful memory from your childhood. What are your gifts and talents? What are you good at? What do people admire about you? Fill your file with encouragement for your self to get you started. Your compliments matter also.

Catch yourself doing something right and then compliment yourself. Give your self credit! you can turn around a challenge and bring your self credit for doing something right in the challenge. Maybe you made a commitment to be somewhere on time and you were late. Acknowledge you were late, recommit to that person for next time and then compliment yourself for getting there instead of turning around and going home and giving up on your commitment. Many times we are used to bringing out the hammer and hitting ourselves for what we are not good at, made a mistake at or where we were not accepted. We will tell ourselves that we do not matter and beat ourselves down. Today I say stand up and put the hammer down and take on being the best encouragement for you.

If no one else is celebrating you right now you must step up and celebrate you! If you are not hearing people say nice things about you then you need to step up and say the nice things about you. Be your best encourager!

Everyone of us is good at something in this world. Whether you are a good listener, talker, public speaker or behind the scenes kind of person you are good at something. Drawing houses, constructing, writing, cooking, working with kids, working with elderly, shopping, teaching, caring and so many other great things to be proud of.

Today begin celebrating the greatnesses you have. When you do not see your greatnesses pull out your file and read through it. Every day or twice a day until you start bringing your encouragement up. You can not always rely on someone else to be there when you need them. So today you can step into being there for you when others are not available.

You matter in this world and even the small things you do in this world make a difference. You have gifts and talents that are only yours and it is up to you to use them for great things and even when life is discouraging you get to step up and re-encourage yourself to keep going. You deserve to life a fulfilling life. Do this for you because you deserve to feel encouraged everyday.

(This is a great tool to use with kids. Teaching them early will support them in life later on as well. School can be cruel so arm them with the tools to lift up their encouragement as well.)


Friday, June 20, 2008

Motherhood Is Leadership

Motherhood is leadership! Motherhood and working in a business compliment each other. Motherhood can prepare us for compassion as well as vicious tiger like qualities.

With my first child I wanted everything to be perfect! I would boil the nipples of his bottle and pacifier. Everything was sanitized and cleaned daily.

With the second child I stopped sweating the little details. Cleaned the nipples and no longer boiled daily. Let him fall to sleep on a less rigid schedule and did not clean his face every moment. And the more I had the more I just let go of being stressed about being perfect. I gave birth to 4 children and they each have survived early childhood.

Many mothers will forget their own identity to put on the identity of a mother and even more so as a mother/employee or mother/business owner. Some times they forget they are also an individual who needs to also accept their own greatness and who they are meant to be.

After the kids are all grown and away from home the mother is very skilled with leadership qualities and sometimes they become confused with what to do with these skills now that the kids are gone and they may not feel any value left.

I want to support women in finding ways to see how what they have learned in being mothers to bringing those skills to the community and to businesses.

Whether you are a mother who is working away from home or a business leader in side your home you have great qualities in leadership to share.

Ask a few friends what they think your greatest qualities are that they have witnessed in you as a mother. Ask family members what they admire about you. Ask church members how they see you successful.

What have you worked with your kids?

Time Management - Prioritizing - Commitment to Responsibility
Patience and Listening Skills - Interpersonal Skills
Understanding - Endurance - Conflict Management - Balance
Negotiation Skills - Cleanliness and Manners
Decision Making - Budget Management - Project Management
Yard Maintenance - Catering Cooking and Preparing Menus

Some women must work to provide for their families.
Some women must work to help provide support for their families.
Some women work for security just to make sure there is enough for extras.
Some women work for the sense of accomplishment.
Some women work because they feel obligated.
Some women work because they feel they need to earn their way.
Some women work because they feel if they don’t then when their children grow up they will not have the skill and will have a difficult time finding a job then.

If you are a working mother why do you work? Do you also fill your time with taking care of you too?

How do you fine time to unwind and relax? Find a hobby for yourself?
Take a bath? Visit with friends?
Get involved with your church and/or community organization?

No matter whether you are parenting, working, exercising, playing, building a business be intentional about what you are doing. Are you working to your fullest potential? Are you parenting to your fullest potential? In all you do Be Intentional!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mentor Moments

What is a mentor moment? A Mentor Moment is when someone comes into your life and offer you a moment of wisdom that teaches, coaches or steers you in a forward moving direction. A mentor moment can come from any source and may only be the only connection you will have. Meeting someone on an airplane, bus or train and they impart a saying, a tip or a direction that will support you in moving forward in your life is a mentor moment. You can create relationships with people who can provide you with many mentor moments or a one time mentor moment. Once you learn what you need from the person you go on about life and pass on your moments to others in the future.

You can also be the teacher of a mentor moment! Are you looking for ways to enhance other peoples lives? Do you have a piece of wisdom in the moment that could support someone else? Do you take the time out to see how you can impart wisdom into someone else’s life? Where can you coach, teach or steer someone in a forward moving direction? Where can you impart a bit of wisdom into the life of another? A family member, friend, co-worker, teen, child or a stranger?

I was on an airplane and spoke to a woman across the isle. She was reading a book I recently read and heard the author speak. We shared a few moments about the book and I was able to share with her my experience with the author. It was a nice exchange. We began talking about what we each do in life. She was intrigued with my share about coaching and supporting leaders. As we got off the plane she said she appreciated talking to me and I inspired her to go out there and teach others what she has experienced in her life. She is a retired professional team calf roper. She has won many awards and big belt buckles. She told me she was inspired to go back out to the roping industry and teach the newer people some of the lessons she has learned. What a great moment we shared.

Do you take the time to talk to the person next to you on local transit? How about in the line at the store, bank or doctors office? You never know who you are meant to impart wisdom into or who has a nugget for you. So go out there and create moments to be a mentor and receive mentor moments for yourself. I heard about "Mentor Moments" from a speaker who challenged the audience to connect and creating more of these moments in thier lives. I have since kept in touch with her and we have the connection to give and receive Mentor Moments.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Creating a Goal or Dream Board

Do you know what a Goal Board is? Do you know what a Dream Board is?
You can create a way to view and see your goals and dreams everyday by creating a visual of what you want or are committed to. Using magazines, newspapers, photos or what ever creative ideas you have to create a daily visual board. A collage of what you want to create for yourself and your loved ones that show your goals and dreams.

Some people will use a poster board to do this. Others will use a wall in their home or office, one wall of a cubical or utilized the refrigerator. I have heard of people who have painted a wall with magnetic paint so they can use magnets and add or take away what they put up on their goal/dream board. Be creative how you do this. This is something you will see everyday and remind you of what your goals and dreams are.

When you have your goals in front of you your subconscious sees this as the only option. You are constantly reminded of what you have set out to accomplish. A daily reminder of what is in your heart. The more you see your goals and dreams the more likely you will keep going in the direction of reaching your goals.

Why would you want to put your goals and dreams in front of you each and every day? Do you think it would support you in reaching your goals? Most people who set up goal and dream board are more likely to achieve their goals and dreams. Having a visual everyday keeps you more focused and therefore more likely to achieve.

Some ideas to add to your goal or dream board would include your dream home, car, spouse, children, jewelry, money, bank account totals, career, art, hair style, motorcycle, computer, Olympic gold medal and what ever else you dream of. You get creative and enjoy seeing your goals and dreams right before your eyes.

Why not give yourself the best possible chances to reach your goals and dreams?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Have You Heard of Becky Hammon?

Have you heard of Becky Hammon?

Becky Hammon is the basketball player from North Dakota who has been a professional athlete with the WNBA. At 31 years old she still had dreams of playing basketball in the Olympics. Half of her years playing basketball she spent in the US playing as a powerful team member. The other half of the year she was in Russia playing basketball as a powerful team member. When the opportunity came to play on the Olympic team Becky was ready to fulfill her dream. The challenge that has come from her accepting her dream and playing out her dream with the Russian team! The US team did not ask Becky to join the Olympic team until Becky’s allegiance was challenged. Becky had already made a commitment to the Russian team.
Becky since saying yes to her dream has been called a traitor, selfish and unpatriotic just to name a few. She has stated that she was raised to love her country, God and her heart is American.

I write this as I look at people out in the world going after their dreams. How many people will call others names because getting a goal or dream is suppose to look a certain way? How many people are wiling to take the heat? How many people will do what ever it takes to honor their dreams and goals? How many people will give up because they are called names? How many people are more committed to looking good, not offending others or worse yet giving up to satisfy others?

I am not talking about something that would hurt another human being.

I would like to just put out there that getting your dreams and goals is about what is in your heart. Are you worth getting your goals? My heart says yes. Can you handle the criticism that others may put out there? My heart say yes. No one is alone in this journey. Who are you going to put into your life to support you? Becky had two teams that she loved, respected and won for. The US team did not choose Becky on their team until her patriotism was challenged. Becky already had made a commitment to the Russian team. Besides all the negative comments and challenges Becky has remained strong in her commitment. Becky’s goal was to play basketball on an Olympic team. Is she unpatriotic really? Is she a traitor? Each person could be a judge and decide for themselves. I am going to leave that up to Becky and God. Becky said she loves the country that she was born in and still believes in the values of being an American. She also stated that the cold war was over years ago. This is about her dream to play basketball and she is reaching her dreams!

I say hats of to Becky for honoring herself and her commitments. What will you be challenged with to reaching your dreams?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Setting Goals Is Easy! Or Is It?

Setting goals is the easy step. People set them all the time. Many people set goals for a New Years resolutions. Setting goals, putting goals on paper, saying you will reach a particular goal does not mean you will succeed. Setting goals can be a lot like a hope, a wish and a want.

Acting on the goal is different than setting the goal. Acting on the goal requires you to do something about the goal. Putting goal accomplishments into action can be challenging for some. The biggest challenge could be being truly committed to the goal. What are the action steps you will need to take in order to be truly committed to the goal?

Get up everyday and get to work no matter what the circumstances are. You are tired, do not feel good or busy working are all great excuses to not work on your goals. However, they become great excuses for you to not be committed to your goal. To reach your goal you will need to get past all the great excuses and circumstances. When you allow all the excuses and circumstances to slow you down or deter you from reaching your goals you tell yourself that you are not worth reaching the goals.

Each time you set a goal, act upon reaching the goal and accomplishing the goal you tell your subconscious that you matter. Setting and accomplishing goals reward you with greater confidence, acceptance and commitment. The value of letting other people know that you set and accomplish goals allows others to build trust and respect in you.

Setting and accomplishing goals is a great way to reward yourself and others around you. As you allow people to see you step into your life and you create success you also lead the way for them to do the same. They will want to achieve goals in their life as well.

Go out and make a bigger difference just by setting, acting on and accomplishing your goals in life!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Setting "SMART" Goals

Why is it important to set goals?
Goals allow us to stay focused on what we are committed to achieve.
Setting goals connects us to our dreams for better jobs, homes and material items, relationships and connection in the world.
When you set and achieve a goal you tell yourself “you deserve it and you are worth it”.
Setting and achieving goals shows others that you are serious about the life you live.
Achieving goals allows you to build self esteem and fuels your passion in life.

Setting SMART goals is the best way to stay on track with a goal. Many people have set goals only to find out that they were really just a hope, wish or want and because they were not realistic they did not work. Once they do not work most people will say “see what is the point of setting a goal?” then they quit setting goals all together. When you set a SMART goal it supports you in being specific. Thus creating a space for you to really win with your goals.


Specific – This means get very specific with what you are going after. Example is do not just write “I want to buy a house”. Write specific details about the house you want. “I want a two story, five bedroom house on ten acres of land in city and state.” The more specific you are the less likely you will feel like you settled for less down the road. And being specific helps you really see what you want.

Measurable – This means that there must be a way to measure the accomplishment of the goal you set. How do you measure a goal like “I have a #10 relationship with my spouse” verses “I have published my first book”? To publish a book is easy to measure because you can have the book in hand. Measuring a relationship can be done and you really have to put some creative thinking into measuring it. You want to allow others to hold you accountable to your goals, so measuring the goal is important in the success process.

Attainable – This is something that many people may not pay much attention to. If you are over 25 and 5’10” tall setting a goal like I will be 6’tall in 1 month is not likely to ever happen. This is not something that is attainable. We can not change out height! So really paying attention to what you goals are and how attainable they are is key to setting successful goals. “I have released 20 pounds in 60 days” is something that is attainable.

Risk Taking – You want to set goals that have some level of risk for yourself. When you set a goal without a risk behind it there is less of a sense of accomplishment. Putting risk behind a goal can keep you in tune with why the goal is important. You can ask yourself “if I tell someone about my goal is there a feeling they will not like it, support it or judge me?” This is a great indicator if there is a risk behind the goal. If you answer yes then it is likely you feel there is risk in setting and telling others about your goal.

Timely – Setting goals with a specific time frame on them puts more edge to achieving them. I am committed to reaching goal A by specific date and time. Is a specific step in achieving the goal. Setting a time frame allows others to hold you accountable and you to hold yourself accountable. You will stay more focused on the impending event and more likely to reach the goal.

Big goals are great! Underneath every big goal is a lot of mini goals. You can make a Big Goals list and then break them down into smaller goals. Some examples would be: Buying a house – you may need to clear up credit score, start a saving account or decide where you want to live. So break the big goals down and then they do not feel so overwhelming and out of reach.

Lastly, make sure you let other people know about the goals you have set. As humans we are usually much more accountable to others than we are to ourselves. We are more likely to let ourselves of the hook for not reaching our goals. Yet when we know about others goals we will watch to see if they get them. Tell people what your goals are. Put them before yourself at work. Hang your goals somewhere you will see them everyday. Put them where others can see them. Display your goals at the office, in your bedroom or on your car dash. Where ever it is that you can see so you will stay in tune with what you set out to accomplish.

You can also hire an accountability partner. If you do not feel someone around you could hold you to what you set your goals to hire some support. An accountability coach will have great tools to support you in reaching your goals. They can be a great asset to get you started in your new goals setting and achieving life!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life's Wonderful Questions

Who are you?
What do you want in life?
When is the last time you paid attention to what you want?
What kind of person are you?
Are you outgoing or do you tend to be reserved?
Can you motivate and discipline yourself?
Do you adapt to change or attempt to hide from it?
What are your strengths?
Do you enjoy your strengths or just use them for work?
Do your strengths bring out your passion in life?
What are your weaknesses?
Are you being honest about your weaknesses?
Do your weaknesses hold you back?
Do you find yourself hiding so others do not see your weaknesses?
Do you strive to turn your weaknesses into your strengths?
What are your hopes?
What is the future you see in your mind?
How is the future different from right now?
What do you like about the future?
What are your dreams?
Are they really your dreams or someone else’s?
Do you pay attention to the desires in your heart?

So what are you going to do with your wonderful life today?

The Power In Saying No

Why would you want to say No to people?

Why is a No powerful?

No is a way to trust yourself. Trusting your insinct on making a choice.

When you say no to someone that is a way that you honor yourself. How often do you truly honor yourself?
No does not mean that you are a bad person or someone who does not care.
No is just saying this does not work for me right now. No I can not do this for you as I can not put anything more on my schedule.
This is about you honoring your previous committments and not creating overwhelm for yourself.
When you say no, I have found that some people will actually honor you more. They will respect you for having boundries and honoring who you are.
Now don't get me wrong some people will take advantage of you if you tend to not say no often. However you are the only one to blame for not setting healthy boundaries for your self.

No can be a very powerful statement! It can show that you pay attention to your life.
A no puts power in you feeling like you have a choice and you have the power to do what supports you best.

Can you say no and still say yes? No to what is being asked and you can put in a yes for the future. Like no I can not be part of the play this month, please do ask me again in the future. If I am available I will let you know. This is a way that shows you are still open to supporting others yet is just does not work at this time. This allows you to have the control in your life and honor yourself and be there when others can use your support.

So what lessons can you take from saying no?
  • Learn how to say no to people.
  • Don’t be afraid, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of.
  • If you think you want to say no then say it.
  • People may not like to be told no, but they will respect you for standing up for you.
  • Ano can mean not at this time please ask me again in the future.

Today is your day to say No! A loving, compassionate and healthy No! Practice on small things and work your way up to the bigger No's. What is the gain in saying no? It is up to you to find out!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Commitment verses Compliance

Have you ever been in a place where you had to do a job that you really did not want to do? The price for not doing the job was too great so you just did it? Did you do that job because you were committed to getting that particular task done? Or did you do the task to avoid a negative consequence? Did you get the task done out of compliance? Or commitment? Many times people will make comments like "I had to to that or I might lose my job". Or maybe something like "If I didn't do blank then my spouse would be mad at me". Those are both statements out of compliance. Getting others to to what you want them to do where both side feel like they won is coming from a place of commitment.

Commitment usually comes from a place of enrolling someone to do something because they know the reward in the end is worth it.

Compliance usually comes from a place of a threat or fear of losing something and it may get done and someone feels they paid a big price.

Where do you feel like you come from commitment or compliant?

When you are asked to do something do you feel like you have a choice in doing the task? Do you feel like you are winning it what you are doing? Do you feel like both sides are winning? In a marriage do you compromise so both sides win? Do you do things that you might not do for the average person just because you are married?

If you can answer yes to these questions then know that this is the place where commitment comes from.
If your answer is no then you will want to look to see where you are being compliant.

When you are coming from a place of compliance you may feel like you are a victim or uncared about. You may feel alone or that it doen't matter anyway the Eeyore syndrome. Many people will come from compliance because they may not know how to say no. (See upcoming blog for how to say no.)

When you are coming from a place of commitment you may feel satisfied and like you have a say in the choice you made. You may feel as part of the team and that what you hve to say does matter.

Notice when you are coming from compliance or commitment. Which will serve you best?