Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mentor Moments

What is a mentor moment? A Mentor Moment is when someone comes into your life and offer you a moment of wisdom that teaches, coaches or steers you in a forward moving direction. A mentor moment can come from any source and may only be the only connection you will have. Meeting someone on an airplane, bus or train and they impart a saying, a tip or a direction that will support you in moving forward in your life is a mentor moment. You can create relationships with people who can provide you with many mentor moments or a one time mentor moment. Once you learn what you need from the person you go on about life and pass on your moments to others in the future.

You can also be the teacher of a mentor moment! Are you looking for ways to enhance other peoples lives? Do you have a piece of wisdom in the moment that could support someone else? Do you take the time out to see how you can impart wisdom into someone else’s life? Where can you coach, teach or steer someone in a forward moving direction? Where can you impart a bit of wisdom into the life of another? A family member, friend, co-worker, teen, child or a stranger?

I was on an airplane and spoke to a woman across the isle. She was reading a book I recently read and heard the author speak. We shared a few moments about the book and I was able to share with her my experience with the author. It was a nice exchange. We began talking about what we each do in life. She was intrigued with my share about coaching and supporting leaders. As we got off the plane she said she appreciated talking to me and I inspired her to go out there and teach others what she has experienced in her life. She is a retired professional team calf roper. She has won many awards and big belt buckles. She told me she was inspired to go back out to the roping industry and teach the newer people some of the lessons she has learned. What a great moment we shared.

Do you take the time to talk to the person next to you on local transit? How about in the line at the store, bank or doctors office? You never know who you are meant to impart wisdom into or who has a nugget for you. So go out there and create moments to be a mentor and receive mentor moments for yourself. I heard about "Mentor Moments" from a speaker who challenged the audience to connect and creating more of these moments in thier lives. I have since kept in touch with her and we have the connection to give and receive Mentor Moments.


Universal Productions said...

Excellent. It seems to me that everyone acts like their so busy and don't even take a few moments to met the person next to them. Great Job Kim !!!!

Kimberley Borgens said...

Life is about connection. If we are all so busy then we miss out on the greatness others have to offer us and what great gifts we can offer to others. My challenge is take the step next time you can offer a Mentor Moment.