Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Encouragement File

Today I ask that you create a file for yourself. You can use just a plain manila folder or you can create a piece of art for yourself. Decorate it with pictures, quotes designs or what ever your heart desires that will move you forward. Place somewhere you can access everyday if needed yet in a place it will be safe.

Every time you receive a compliment, a note of encouragement, a thank you note, an email with praise your job will be to put that in your File of Encouragement. Print out a copy of the email, write down the compliments that are told to you. Create a page just for compliments that you may have heard over the phone, face to face with another and when you find something you compliment yourself on.

If you are feeling like you need some encouragement on any given day or moment bring out this file and lift your encouragement bar. You are the master of your own encouragement. You are responsible for shifting your attitude to a place that serves you.

If your encouragement file is a little lean right now I would suggest you write yourself a few notes. Write down what you like about yourself. Write about a wonderful memory from your childhood. What are your gifts and talents? What are you good at? What do people admire about you? Fill your file with encouragement for your self to get you started. Your compliments matter also.

Catch yourself doing something right and then compliment yourself. Give your self credit! you can turn around a challenge and bring your self credit for doing something right in the challenge. Maybe you made a commitment to be somewhere on time and you were late. Acknowledge you were late, recommit to that person for next time and then compliment yourself for getting there instead of turning around and going home and giving up on your commitment. Many times we are used to bringing out the hammer and hitting ourselves for what we are not good at, made a mistake at or where we were not accepted. We will tell ourselves that we do not matter and beat ourselves down. Today I say stand up and put the hammer down and take on being the best encouragement for you.

If no one else is celebrating you right now you must step up and celebrate you! If you are not hearing people say nice things about you then you need to step up and say the nice things about you. Be your best encourager!

Everyone of us is good at something in this world. Whether you are a good listener, talker, public speaker or behind the scenes kind of person you are good at something. Drawing houses, constructing, writing, cooking, working with kids, working with elderly, shopping, teaching, caring and so many other great things to be proud of.

Today begin celebrating the greatnesses you have. When you do not see your greatnesses pull out your file and read through it. Every day or twice a day until you start bringing your encouragement up. You can not always rely on someone else to be there when you need them. So today you can step into being there for you when others are not available.

You matter in this world and even the small things you do in this world make a difference. You have gifts and talents that are only yours and it is up to you to use them for great things and even when life is discouraging you get to step up and re-encourage yourself to keep going. You deserve to life a fulfilling life. Do this for you because you deserve to feel encouraged everyday.

(This is a great tool to use with kids. Teaching them early will support them in life later on as well. School can be cruel so arm them with the tools to lift up their encouragement as well.)


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