Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be A Legacy Networking Tip #2

Stay Focused

Set your goals for your business and stay focused on those goals!

Many people go from one opportunity after another, back and forth never staying in one place long enough to gain success.

Most people in networking have a habit of doing this, they keep jumping from company to company hoping to hit it big somewhere. They just spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars starting a business and never follow through!

Stay focused! The grass is always greener somewhere else, especially in the beginning! I have learned that the grass is greenest where I water it!

In business it takes you building a foundation for your business to last. This foundation is built on focused time an energy that you put in to it. If you allow yourself to go after all the shiny objects that are put before you you are not likely ever going to find true success.

The rewards can be so much greater than anything else you could do. When you stick to what you are going after not matter what you will find a greater network of people who will be there when times get tough.

You may think I do not know what I am talking about - I can share many stories about how in the past 17 years in business we have been through just about everything a business should not go through and have still come about keeping employees working. If I had been jumping around from business to business I would not have had the support from banks, friends business networks and every other source to help get us through the tough times.

Make a pledge to yourself that you have found a home! That this is the last network you'll ever build! Tough times don't last, Tough people do! Build your network grow both in experience, knowledge and true connections!

Keep watching for more networking tips this month with Be A Legacy.

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1 comment:

Deb Bixler said...

Now is the time for goals and writing them down is so important. The grass is greener problem really slows down progress. Thanks for a good article, Kimberly.