Monday, September 1, 2008

Mentoring Yourself

Mentoring yourself is another great tool. Do you know that it doesn't really matter how others see you as much as it matters how you see yourself?

Other people might be able to look at you and share that they can see your greatnesses. They can truly believe that you are compassionate, powerful, courageous and more. The challenge arises when you do not believe these qualities for yourself. Letting go of many opportunities because you say to yourself "they are not talking to me" or "I will let you know if I see anyone like the customer you are looking for". Are you looking inside yourself to see it that opportunity is for you?

What qualities are you going to commit to awakening every moment?
If you are not willing to acknowledge your qualities then you are not likely going to achieve your potential in life. Making it almost impossible to achieve your goals and dreams. Today is the day to mentor yourself. Mentor your old beliefs and transform them into a powerful voice inside of you that serves you moving forward. Awakening a quality to serve you and practice everyday until you are transformed into believing in it.

How are you going to mentor yourself so you are coming out a winner everyday?

Mentoring yourself takes effort and consistency. Your ability to do this begins and ends with your mentality. Your mind set is to be about serving your purpose and moving forward in life. What will you choose to tell yourself everyday? If you have negative self talk then notice that it is not moving you forward. Putting away the hammer and choosing to take action to mentor you can shift future generations.

As you mentor yourself you create space to mentor others. When you enjoy you then people enjoy being around you. Every contact with another human is an opportunity for a "Mentor Moment". How many "Mentor Moments" are you going to create today?

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