Friday, December 5, 2008

The Goal!

The goal is to build others up! This Includes You!

I am putting out this dare to you, me and anyone willing to take this dare on. I dare you to get up in the morning, look in the mirror and say “good morning you caring, compassionate and confident man/woman”. Really take yourself on when you first rise to meet the world.

Notice throughout the day what you have done well for the day and tell yourself the greatness you stepped into for the day. Find something you did right. “I gave my all today” or “I honored myself today”. Find ways to recognize that you made a difference for this day.

I am not a finished product and neither are you. We are both still learning to be better at life. Today I am better then I was yesterday. This year I am better than last year. As I learn more about me and what makes a difference in the world around me I can not help but be a better person today than yesterday.

Are there people around you that are confident and make a difference? What do you admire about them? Would you like to bring that person into your life closer to you so you can learn from them? If there is not anyone in your life like this right now, I would say it is time to seek them out! Bring people into your life that challenge you and show you how to get to a new area in your heart.

There may be many people who look to you as the person they admire. Are you giving them your best? Are you leading them in the direction that would move them forward? People are always watching us. Some possibly out of admiration and some possibly out of envy. How are you watching others? Are you coming from admiration or envy? When your goal is to lift others up, including yourself there is not time for envy. Who is the person that others admire when they see you in action?

If you can see the great value in others why then do you not see it for your self? Are you looking to the outside world for validation and approval? If that is the case what will you do about it? Are you ready to take yourself on? Is it time to start self validating? Our inner critic has a habit of taking us to the outside world. The things we did not do so well. Areas we have not had much practice in and expect to be perfect at it. It’s time to teach our inner critic to notice the great things about us and help others teach their inner critic the same.

Have you noticed how the negative voices always talk the loudest? It is time to notice what we are doing well and speak over the louder voices. When you do something good, talk over those loud voices! Change the language you speak to yourself. Shift messages like “I wish I had …” to “I am grateful I have…” or “I should have…” to “I can do…”.
Shifting your language will support you in learning to silence the critic more often and you can life a more fulfilled life.
So go on, dare yourself to be better today than you were yesterday! Set a goal to lift yourself up and bring others with you!

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